evohtmltopdf The result of adding a PDF element to the renderer The index of the PDF page where the rendering ends The PDF page where the rendering ends The bounds inside the end page Construct a AddElementResult object with no page information Constructs an object based on the page index and the bounds inside the page where the element rendering ended. The index of the page where the rendering of a page element ended. This information is useful for paged output of elements to continue adding new elements after this element The PDF page where the rendering of a page element ended. This information is useful for paged output of elements to continue adding new elements after this element The bounds inside the page where the rendering of a page element ended. This information is useful for paged output of elements to continue adding new elements after this element The result of adding a text element to the renderer Construct an empty AddTextElementResult object Construct a object with the not rendered text The not rendered text Constructs a object with the not rendered text and the page where rendering of this text element ended The not rendered text The index of the page where the rendering of text ended The PDF page where the rendering of text ended The bounds inside the page where the rendering of the text ended Gets the text after remained not rendered after the rendering ended. A text can be partially rendered if the text cannot fit the specified bounds of the text element. Represents the delegate for the event Event parameters Represents the parameters of the event The PDF page that was rendered when the event was raised The number in PDF document of the PDF page that was rendered The total number of PDF pages to be rendered by the current conversion The rectangle that was rendered in PDF page Authentication options for accessing a URL in HTML to PDF converter like Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS. The username of the user used for authentication The password of the user used for authentication A flag indicating if the credentials of the user running the converter are sent when the converter requests the web page from server. If the property is set this property will not have any effect. The default value is true Represents the delegate for the event Event parameters Represents the parameters of the event The PDF page being rendered when the event is raised The number in PDF document of the PDF page to be rendered The total number of PDF pages that will be rendered by the current conversion The rectangle to be rendered in PDF page Represents a Bezier curve element to be rendered in a PDF document This abstract class is the base class for all graphic elements that can be added to a PDF document This abstract class is the base class for all elements that can can be added in a PDF document Render this page element using the specified renderer. A renderer can be a page or a template The renderer to render this element. Can be a document page or template The result of adding this element Default constructor Translates the coordinate system before rendering the element. The coordinates of the element are relative to the translated coordinate system. The distance to translate the origin of the coordinate system in the horizontal dimension The distance to translate the origin of the coordinate system in the horizontal dimension Scales the coordinates so that 1 unit in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the new coordinate system is the same size as sx and sy units, respectively, in the previous coordinate system. The value by which to scale coordinate system in the x-axis direction. The value by which to scale coordinate system in the y-axis direction. Rotates the coordinate system axes clockwise by the specified angle before rendering the element. The coordinates of the element are relative to the rotated coordinates system. The angle of the rotation in degrees. For text rotation use the TextAngle property of the TextElement. Skews the x axis by an skewXAngle and the y axis by an skewYAngle before rendering the element. Skew x angle. Skew y angle. Gets or sets element background color. Gets or sets the element foreground color. Gets or sets element opacity. The opacity is expressed as a value between 0 and 100. 0 means completely transparent and 100 completely opaque. The default value of this property is 100. Gets or sets blending mode for transparent rendering mode of the element. Gets or sets the line style for elements rendering lines. The gradient used to fill a shape. A flag to indicate if this element was translated. A flag to indicate if this element was scaled. A flag to indicate if this element was rotated. A flag to indicate if this element was skewed. The clip rectangle applied when the element is rendered in PDF Constructs an empty bezier curve Constructs a Bezier curve element The first point X coordinate The first point Y coordinate The second point X coordinate The second point Y coordinate The third point X coordinate The third point Y coordinate The fourth point X coordinate The fourth point Y coordinate The X coordinate of the first point of the Bezier curve The Y coordinate of the first point of the Bezier curve The X coordinate of the second point of the Bezier curve The Y coordinate of the second point of the Bezier curve The X coordinate of the third point of the Bezier curve The Y coordinate of the third point of the Bezier curve The X coordinate of the fourth point of the Bezier curve The Y coordinate of the fourth point of the Bezier curve The blending function for transparent rendering mode. Selects the source color, ignoring the backdrop. Multiplies the backdrop and source color values. Multiplies the complements of the backdrop and source color values, then complements the result. Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the backdrop color value. Source colors overlay the backdrop while preserving its highlights and shadows. The backdrop color is not replaced but is mixed with the source color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the backdrop Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colors. Selects the lighter of the backdrop and source colors. Brightens the backdrop color to reflect the source color. Painting with black produces no changes. Darkens the backdrop color to reflect the source color. Painting with white produces no change. Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the source color value. The effect is similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the backdrop. Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the source color value. The effect is similar to shining a diffused spotlight on the backdrop. Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter color. Produces an effect similar to that of the Difference mode but lower in contrast. Painting with white inverts the backdrop color; painting with black produces no change. Creates a color with the hue of the source color and the saturation and luminosity of the backdrop color. Creates a color with the saturation of the source color and the hue and luminosity of the backdrop color. Painting with this mode in an area of the backdrop that is a pure gray (no saturation) produces no change. Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source color and the luminosity of the backdrop color. This preserves the gray levels of the backdrop and is useful for coloring monochrome images or tinting color images. Creates a color with the luminosity of the source color and the hue and saturation of the backdrop color. This produces an inverse effect to that of the Color mode. This class represents a bookmark in the PDF document used to outline a section of the PDF document Gets or sets the PDF bookmark text displayed in PDF document Gets or sets the bookmark text color. Gets or sets the bookmark text style. Gets or sets the bookmark destination. Gets the parent bookmark of this bookmark or null if the bookmark has no parent. Gets a collection of all the descendant bookmarks of this bookmark. Represents a collection of bookmarks of a document. The parent PDF document. Creates a collection of bookmarks for this document. The PDF document for which this collection is created. Gets the collection enumerator. The collection enumerator. Adds a new bookmark to the collection. The bookmark text. The bookmark destination. The newly created PDF bookmark. Creates a new bookmark and inserts it at the specified zero based position index in collection. The zero based position index where to insert the bookmark. The bookmark text. The bookmark destination. The newly created PDF bookmark. Removes the specified PDF bookmark. The PDF bookmark to be removed. Removes the PDF bookmark at the specified index in collection. The zero based index of the PDF bookmark to be removed. Removes all the bookmarks from collection The parent document of this collection The number of bookmarks in this PDF bookmarks collection Gets the bookmark at the specified zero based index in the bookmarks collection. The zero based bookmark index in the collection. The PDF bookmark at the specified index This enumeration represents the possible styles of a bookmark in a PDF document Normal text style. The text is italic. The text is bold. This enumeration represents the possible diital certificates stores in a system A certificate store that holds certificates with associated private keys (Personal Certificates store). Root certificates (Trusted Root Certification Authorities store). Certification authority certificates (Intermediate Certification Authorities store). Software Publisher Certificates store. This class represents a circle element that can be added to a PDF document This class represents an ellipse element that can be added to a PDF document This constructor constructs an empty ellipse element without size This constructor constructs an ellipse element at the given coordinates and having the given size The X coordinate where the ellipse will be rendered Y coordinate where the ellipse will be rendered The X radius of the ellipse The Y radius of the ellipse The X coordinate of the ellipse center The Y coordinate of the ellipse center The horizontal radius The vertical radius Constructs an empty circle Circle element constructor The X coordinate where the ellipse will be rendered Y coordinate where the ellipse will be rendered The circle radius The circle radius This enumeration represents the color profiles of PDF document The default color profile A custom color profile This enumeration contains the possible color spaces of a PDF document RGB color space. CMYK color space. Gray color space. Offers summary information about the conversion process. After a successfull conversion the property is initialized with an instance of this class. Creates a object The number of pages in the generated PDF document. The size of the converted HTML content in pixels. The size of the HTML content in points. A point is 1/72 inches. The converter internally transforms the in points using the class methods. The page size in points of the generated PDF document The factor used to resize the HTML content when rendered in the PDF document. When property of the object is true, the HTML content will be resized to fit the PDF page width if necessary. The index of the page where the rendering of the HTML ended. This information is useful when new elements are added after conversion. The PDF page where the rendering of the HTML ended The bounds of the rectangle rendered on the last page. This information is useful when new elements are added after conversion. The bounds of the rendered rectangle on each PDF page. The view mode when an explicit destination is displayed in the viewer. Display the page designated by page, with the coordinates (left, top) positioned at the upper-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the factor zoom. A null value for any of the parameters left, top, or zoom specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. A zoom value of 0 has the same meaning as a null value. Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension. Display the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window. Display the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window. Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the bounding box within the window in the other dimension. Display the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Display the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. This class represents a certificate used for digital signatures Gets version number of this digital certificate. Gets serial number of this digital certificate. Gets issuer name of this digital certificate. Gets the subject of this digital certificate. Gets the start date of this digital certificate. Gets the end date of this digital certificate. This class is used to manage a collection of certificates. Gets the collection enumerator. The collection enumerator. Searches the certificate by the specified serial number. Serial number to search. The certificate with the specified serial number or null if no certificate was found. Searches the certificate by issuer name in the digital certificates collection. Issuer name. The certificate with the specified issuer name or null if no certificate was found. Searches the certificate by subject name. Subject name. The certificate with the specified subject name or null if no certificate was found. Gets the certificate at the specified zero besed index from collection. The zero based certificate index. The certificate at the specified index. Gets the number of certificates in collection. Provides and interface for getting digital certificates from system certificates store or from a password protected PKCS#12 file. A PKCS#12 file stores both the private and the public keys and such a file can be for example a file with extension .pfx generated by IIS from the SSL certificate installed for a website. Gets the certificates collection from the Personal Certificates store. The Personal Certificates store can be accessed from Control Panel/Internet Options, Content, Certificates. The Personal certificates collection. Gets the certificates collection from the specified system certificates store. The system certificates store The certificates collection Gets the certificates collection from the specified PKCS#12 file. This method uses a NULL password to get the certificates from packet. A PKCS#12 file stores both the private and the public key and such a file can be for example a file with extension .pfx generated by IIS from the SSL certificate installed for a website. The path of the .pfx or .p12 file storing the certificates. The certificates collection. Gets the certificates collection from the specified password protected PKCS#12 file. A PKCS#12 file stores both the private and the public key and such a file can be for example a file with extension .pfx generated by IIS from the SSL certificate installed for a website. The path of the .pfx or .p12 file storing the certificates. The password used to decrypt and verify the PFX packet. This password must be exactly the same as the password that was used to encrypt the packet. If the password used to encrypt the packet was blank, pass NULL for the value of this parameter. The certificates collection. Represents a digital signature in the PDF document Constructs a digital signature object that can be added to a PDF page. The digital signature rectangle inside the PDF page. The digital certificate obtained from the digital certificates store. Gets the certificate used to create the signature. Gets or sets the reason The reason for the signing, such as ( I agree ?). Gets or sets the CPU host name or physical location of the signing. Information provided by the signer to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature; for example, a phone number. This class encapsulates a PDF document and can be used to create a new PDF document or to load an existing PDF document Creates an empty PDF document object. New pages can be added to the document and new PDF elements can be added to document pages. Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard. By default the Full PDF stadard is used. This property can be used to create PDF/A or PDF/X compliant documents. The PDF standard used to create the PDF document. Creates a PDF document with the specified color space. This property can be used to create PDF documents in RGB, Grayscale or CMYK color spaces. By default the document uses the RGB color space. The color space of the document. Creates a PDF document with a color profile. The color profile to be used when creating the PDF document Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space. By default the Full PDF stadard is used. This property can be used to create PDF/A or PDF/X compliant documents using the specified color space. The PDF standard used to create the PDF document. The color space of the document. Creates a PDF document object from the specified stream containing the PDF document. The PDF document stream. Creates a PDF document from and existing PDF file. The full path of an existing PDF document file. Creates a PDF document from a stream cotaining a password protected PDF document. The specified password can be a user or owner password. The stream containing the PDF document. The password to open the specified PDF document. Creates a PDF document object from an existing password protected PDF file. The full path to the PDF file. The password to open the specified PDF document. Releases all the resources allocated by this PDF document. Always call this method after the document was saved. If the document was created from a stream or file, the stream will be closed if it was not explicitly detached by calling the DetachStream() before the document is closed. Call this method to detach the stream from which this document was created. When this method is called before calling Close(), the Close method will not close the detached stream. Saves this PDF document into the file given by the method parameter The name of the file where to save the document. It can be a full path or a relative path. Saves this PDF document into the specified output stream. The stream where to save the PDF document. Saves the PDF document as byte array that can be further saved into a file or sent over HTTP to a browser. The byte array representation of the document. Adds a header with the given height to document The header height The newly added header template Adds a footer with the given height to document The footer height The newly added footer template Add a new template with the specified width and height to the document templates collection. The template location is top left corner of the page. The template width The template height The newly added template Add a new template with the specified bounds to the document templates collection. The template element bounds The newly added template. Adds an attachment a given file to this PDF document The path to file to be attached Adds an attachment a given file and given description to this PDF document The path to file to be attached The attachment description Adds an attachment with the given name from a stream to this PDF document The file stream A name for attachment Adds an attachment with the given name and a given description from a stream to this PDF document The file stream A name for attachment The attachment description Creates a new PDF page and adds it to the collection. If there is a previous page in the collection, the orientation and size are inherited from the that page otherwise a first page with the default A4 size and Portrait orientation is created. The page margins are inherited from the default document margins The newly created PDF page Creates a new PDF page and adds it to the collection. If there is a previous page in the collection, the orientation and size are inherited from the that page otherwise a first page with the default A4 size and Portrait orientation is created The PDF page margins The newly created PDF page Creates a new PDF page and adds it to the collection. If there is a previous page in the collection, the page orientation is inherited from the that page otherwise a first page with the specified size and Portrait orientation is created The page size in points The page mergins in points The newly created PDF page Creates a new PDF page with the specified size, margins and orientation and adds it to the collection The PDF page size in points The PDF page margins in points The PDF page orientation The newly created PDF page Adds the specified page to the document pages collection. The page to be added is allowed to be from another document. The source document of the page to be added must remain opened until the current document is saved. The page to be added to the collection. Creates a new PDF page with the specified size, margins and orientation and inserts it into the collection at the specified index. The index where to insert the new page. The PDF page size in points The PDF page margins in points The PDF page orientation The newly created PDF page Inserts the specified page into the document pages collection given by the property at the specified index. The page to be added is allowed to be from another document. The source document of the page to be inserted must remain opened until the current document is saved. The index where the page will be inserted. The PDF page to be inserted. Appends the document given as parameter to the current document. The appended document must remain open until the current document is saved The document to be appended Appends a range of pages from the document given as parameter to the current document. The appended document must remain open until the current document is saved The document to be appended The page index in appended PDF document from where to start copying the pages The number of pages to append Appends the document given as parameter to the current document and optionally applies the current document header and footer to the appended document pages if the appended document was loaded from an external file or stream The document to be appended A flag indicating if the header and footer of the current document are also applied to the appended document pages A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn on first page of the appended document Appends a range of pages from the document given as parameter to the current document and optionally applies the current document header and footer to the appended document pages if the appended document was loaded from an external file or stream The document to be appended The page index in appended PDF document from where to start copying the pages The number of pages to append A flag indicating if the header and footer of the current document are also applied to the appended document pages A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn on first page of the appended document Inserts the document given as parameter in the current document at the given page index. The appended document must remain open until the current document is saved The page index where to start insertion in this document The document to be inserted Inserts a range of pages from the document given as parameter in the current document at the given page index. The appended document must remain open until the current document is saved The page index where to start insertion in this document The document to be inserted The page index in appended PDF document from where to start copying the pages The number of pages to insert Inserts the document given as parameter to the current document and optionally applies the current document header and footer to the appended document pages if the appended document was loaded from an external file or stream The page index where to start insertion in this document The document to be appended A flag indicating if the header and footer of the current document are also applied to the inserted document pages A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn on first page of the appended document Inserts a range of pages from the document given as parameter to the current document and optionally applies the current document header and footer to the appended document pages if the appended document was loaded from an external file or stream The page index where to start insertion in this document The document to be appended The page index in appended PDF document from where to start copying the pages The number of pages to insert A flag indicating if the header and footer of the current document are also applied to the inserted document pages A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn on first page of the appended document Removes the specified PDF page from the pages collection of this document. The PDF page to be removed. Removes the PDF page at the specified index in pages collection. The zero based index of the PDF page to be removed. Adds a system font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. By default the font is embedded in the PDF document in order to support Unicode texts. The font to be added to the collection. The font added to the collection. Adds a system font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The embedFont property indicates if the added font will be embedded into the PDF document. Font for adding. When true the font will be embedded in the PDF document. The font added to the collection. Adds a system font to the fonts collection. The font is created from the specified file. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The file name of the font to be added. The font added to the collection. Adds a standard font to the collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The standard font family. The font added to the collection. Adds a standard CJK font to the collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The standard CJK font to add to the document fonts collection. The CJK font added to the collection. A fast method to obtain the page count of a PDF document from the given file path. The path of the PDF file for which to get the page count. The number of pages in the specified PDF document. A fast method to obtain the page count of a PDF document from the given stream. The stream containing the PDF document for which to get the page count. The number of pages in the specified PDF document. Creates a root bookmark for the document The bookmark text The bookmark destination The newly added bookmark. Creates a child bookmark for the existing parentBookmark The text of the child bookmark The destination of the child bookmark The parent bookmark The newly added bookmark. The event is raised after a page from an external PDF document is added to this document Gets or sets the license key string received from the vendor. If this property is null the library will automatically enter in evaluation mode and a demo watermark will be displayed on the generated PDF document. Gets the collection of pages of this PDF document. Gets the collection of fonts of this PDF document. Gets the collection of templates of this PDF document. The default document margins. The new pages will use the default margins if no margings are specified Gets or sets a value indicating if the PDF documents appended to this document using the method are automatically closed when the current document is closed using the method. The default value is false. The appended documents must remain open until the current document is saved. Represents the default PDF document header template. This header is automatically considered when calculating the available space for drawing in a PDF page. This template is automatically docked to the top of the PDF page. Represents the default PDF document footer template. This footer is automatically considered when calculating the available space for rendering in a PDF page. This template is automatically docked to the bottom of the PDF page. Offers access to security features of the PDF document like encryption. Gets a reference to the PDF form of this PDF document Offers access to the document information object where the document's title, subject, keywords, etc can be set. Offers access to the viewer preferences settings for the document. The Go To, JavaScript, Submit Form or Reset Form action to be performed when the PDF document is opened. Set this property on true to store the PDF cross-reference table and PDF trailer in compressed cross-reference streams and to reduce the PDF file size. The default value is false for the new documents Gets or sets a flag indicating if the transparency is enabled in the PDF document. Default value is true. This property can be set to false to eliminate the additional flattening time when the document is sent to the printer from Adobe Reader viewer. Gets the bookmarks collection of the document. Gets or sets the PDF document compression level. By default the compression level is Gets or sets a flag indicating if the JPEG compression is enabled or not for the images in the generated PDF. By default the JPEG compression is enabled to reduce the size of the generated PDF. When the JPEG compression is enabled the quality of the images in the generated PDF is lower than the quality of the original images in the HTML document, function of the parameter. When the is increased, the quality of the images in PDF decreases. Gets the compression level of images in the generated PDF as an integer value between 0 and 100. This property has effect only when the JpegCompressionEnabled is true. When the is 0, the compression rate is the lowest and the quality of the images is the best. When the is 100, the compression rate is the highest and quality of the images in PDF is the worst. The default JPEG compression level is 10, which should offer a good balance between the compression rate and the quality of the images in PDF. This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document description (author, title, keywords, etc). The class exposes a reference to an object of this type in the property Gets or sets the document title. Gets or sets the name of document author. Gets or sets the subject of a PDF document. Gets or sets the keywords associated with the PDF document. Gets the name of the PDF document producer. Gets or sets the date and time the PDF document was created. Encapsulates a Go To, JavaScript, Submit Form or Reset Form action to be performed when the document is opened. The open document action as an instance of the or classes. Represents the viewer preferences of the PDF document A flag specifying whether to hide the viewer application’s tool bars when the document is active. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether to hide the viewer application’s menu bar when the document is active. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether to hide user interface elements in the document’s window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document’s contents displayed. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether to resize the document’s window to fit the size of the first displayed page. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether to position the document’s window in the center of the screen. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether the window’s title bar should display the document title taken from the title entry of the document information dictionary. Default value: False. The document’s page mode, specifying how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode. This entry is meaningful only if the value of the PageMode entry in the catalog dictionary is FullScreen; it is ignored otherwise. Default value: UseNone. The predominant reading order for text. Default value: L2R. Specifies how the document should be displayed when opened. Default value: UseNone. The page layout to be used when the document is opened. Default value: OneColumn. Base class for classes capable of rendering page elements An abstract method to add a PDF page element to the elements renderer The page element to be rendered The result of adding the element The parent document of this renderer Gets the drawable area of the renderer. The margins, document header and footer are excluded. Represents an ellipse arc element Constructs an ellipse arc element X coordinate of the rectangle eclosing the ellipse. Y coordinate of the rectangle eclosing the ellipse. Width of the rectangle eclosing the ellipse. Height of the rectangle eclosing the ellipse. The start angle in degrees of the ellipse arc measured counter-clockwise from the X axis centered in the enclosing rectangle. The angle in degrees of the ellipse arc measured counter-clockwise from the start angle of the slice. This class represents an ellipse slice element that can be added to a PDF document Constructs an ellipse slice element X coordinate of the rectangle eclosing the ellipse. Y coordinate of the rectangle eclosing the ellipse. Width of the rectangle eclosing the ellipse. Height of the rectangle eclosing the ellipse. The start angle in degrees of the ellipse slice measured counter-clockwise from the X axis centered in the enclosing rectangle. The angle in degrees of the ellipse slice measured counter-clockwise from the start angle of the slice. This enumeration contains the possible values of the length of the encryption key used to encrypt a PDF document A 128 bit length. A 40 bit length. Represents a destination in the PDF document for links, bookmarks and other interactive PDF features. Creates an empty explivit destination. The property must be set after object creation Constructs a destination to the specified page The destination page Constructs a destination to the specified location in the specified page The destination poge The destination point in page Constructs a destination to the specified location in the specified page and with the specified view mode of the destination page The destination page The destination point in page The destination view mode Gets or sets the destination point in destination page. Gets or sets the zoom percentage of the destination page when viewed in the viewer and the view mode is XYZ (for example a 100 value will not zoom the page). Gets or sets the destination page. Gets or sets the view mode of the destination page. This class represents a file attachment in the PDF document Creates a file attachment and a link in page to the attachment The attachment link rectangle in page The path to file to be attached Creates a file attachment from a stream and a link in page to the attachment The attachment link rectangle in page The file stream A name for attachment The file attachment icon type. The default icon is paper clip The file attachment icon color. By default is black The file attachment text This enumeration contains the possible types of icons used in PDF to mark a file attachment PushPin icon Paperclip icon This class represents a link to an external file in a PDF document Constructs a file link element The link rectangle in page The link file Gets or sets the file link element rectangle in PDF page Gets or sets the external file path Represents a collection of fonts in a PDF document. The parent PDF document Creates a font collection for the specified PDF document The parent document of the fonts collection Gets the collection enumerator. The collection enumerator. Adds a system font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The font to be added to the collection. The font added to the collection. Adds a system font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The embedFont property says if the added font will be embedded into the PDF document Font for adding. When true the font will be embedded in the PDF document. The font added to the collection. Adds a system font to the fonts collection. The font is created from the specified file. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The file name of the font to be added. The font added to the collection. Adds a standard font to the collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The standard font family. The font added to the collection. Adds a standard CJK font to the collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The standard CJK font to add to the document fonts collection. The CJK font added to the collection. Adds a PDF font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. Font object to add to the collection. Added to the collection font. Adds a set of fonts to the fonts collection. The set of fonts to be added. Checks if the specified font belongs to the fonts collection. Font to search. True if the font is found in the collection, otherwise returns false. Returns the index of the specified font in the fonts collection. The font to search in collection. The index of font or -1 if the font does not exist. Removes the specified font from the fonts collection. The font to be removed from collection. Inserts a font to the specified index in collection. The font to be inserted in the collection. Index in collection where to insert the font. Gets the font from the specified index. Used to fill a shape Gradient contructor The gradient direction The start color of the gradient The end color of the gradient The gradient start color The gradient end color The gradient direction This enumeration represents the possible directions of the gradient color in a PDF document Horizontal gradient from left to right Vertical gradient from top to bottom Diagonal gradient from top left to bottom right Diagonal gradient from top right bottom left This enumeration contains the possible values of the horizontal alignment of the text in PDF documents. Align default. Align left. Align center. Align right. Align justify. This class represents an exception thrown by the HTML to PDF Converter library. Constructs an HTML converter exception with the given error message The exception message Constructs an HTML converter exception with the given error message and the given inner exception object The exception message The inner exception that triggered this exception This class encapsulates the information about a converted HTML document like title, keywords, description and subject. The title of the converted HTML document The keywords of the converted HTML document The description of the converted HTML document The subject of the converted HTML document The author of the converted HTML document Represents te mapping of a HTML element in the PDF document as collection of PDF rectangles. A HTML element can span on many pages in the generated PDF document and therefore, in general, many PDF rectangles are necessary to completely describe the mapping of a HTML element in PDF The ID in HTML of the HTML element The mapping ID of the element given by the data-mapping-id HTML attribute The rectangles occupied by the HTML element in the generated PDF document. A HTML element can span on many pages in the generated PDF document and therefore, in general, many PDF rectangles are necessary to completely describe the mapping of a HTML element in PDF. The text of the HTML element. If the element does not have an associated text, this property returns null The HTML code of the HTML element The HTML code between the HTML tags of the HTML element The HTML tag name of the HTML element The CSS class name of the HTML element The attributes of the HTML element Represents a collection of mappings of HTML elements in PDF. Gets the collection enumerator The collection enumerator Gets the mapping in PDF of the HTML element with the specified HTML ID. The search is case insensitive. The HTML ID of the element. The mapping in PDF of the specified HTML element or null if no element with the specified ID was found. Gets the mapping in PDF of the HTML element with the mapping ID given by the special HTML attribute data-mapping-id. The search is case insensitive. The mapping ID of the element given by the data-mapping-id HTML attribute The mapping in PDF of the specified HTML element or null if no element with the specified mapping ID was found Gets the mapping in PDF of the HTML elements with the specified HTML tag name. The search is case insensitive. The HTML tag name of the element. The mappings in PDF of the specified HTML elements or null if no element with the specified tag name was found. Gets the mapping at the specified zero based index from collection. The zero based index of the mapping. The mapping at the specified index in collection. Returns null if the index is out of collection bounds. Gets the number of HTML element mappings in this collection. Represents the rectangle occupied by a HTML element in a page of the generated PDF document. The zero based index of the PDF page containing this rectangle. The PDF page containing this rectangle The rectangle position inside the PDF page drawing area. The drawing area of the PDF page does not include the page margins, header or footer. The rectangle dimensions are expressed in points (1 point is 1/72 inch). Defines the necessary API to retrieve the positions in the generated PDF document for the HTML elements specified in a list. The HTML elements to map are specified by the CSS selectors given by the property or by the special HTML attributes in HTML document This property is used to set an array containing the selectors of the HTML elements for which to retrieve position in PDF. For example, the selector for all the image elements is "img", the selector for all the elements with the CSS class name 'myclass' is "*.myclass" and the selector for the elements with the id 'myid' is "*#myid". The elements mapping will be retrieved in the property after conversion. A flag indicating if the mapping of hidden elements is enabled. This property is true by default This property is set by the converter after conversion and returns the mapping of the HTML elements selected by the selectors. This class encapsulates a HTML to Image converter. The HTML to Image conversion is performed when the element is added to a PDF page. The resulted image is embedded in the PDF document. The default virtual browser width in pixels The default virtual browser height in pixels is set to autodetect the HTML content height. The default width in PDF of the element is set to available width in PDF page. The default width in PDF of the element is set to available width in PDF page. Creates a HTML string to image converter element that will be rendered at the (0,0) location in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a URL to image converter element at the (0,0) location in PDF page. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The URL to convert to PDF Creates a HTML string to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a URL to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed the destination width will be given by the available width in page The URL to convert to PDF Creates a HTML string to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The height in PDF is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a URL to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The height in PDF is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The URL to convert to PDF Creates a HTML string to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or auomatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a URL to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or auomatic page breaks. The URL to convert to PDF Create a HTML string to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The height in PDF is auto determined. The virtual browser width in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth parameter. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page width from the HTML document content. Creates a URL to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The height in PDF is auto determined. The virtual browser width in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth parameter. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The URL to convert to PDF The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page width from the HTML document content. Creates a HTML string to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The virtual browser width and height in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight parameters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or auomatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page width from the HTMl document content. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window ` with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content. Creates a HTML string to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The virtual browser width and height in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight parameters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or auomatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page width from the HTML document content. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window ` with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from HTML document content. Create a URL to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or auomatic page breaks. The URL to convert to PDF The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page width from HTML document content. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window ` with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content. Create a URL to image converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a document URL to resolve the internal links. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or auomatic page breaks. The URL to convert to PDF The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page width from the HTML document content. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window ` with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML document. This parameter is necessary when the converted URL is not the full URL of a document. The event is raised after the HTML to Image element created the PDF page and before starting rendering it. In the handler of this event the PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer can still be changed before starting rendering. The event is raised right before the page is rendered by HTML to Image element. The PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed. In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the background of the PDF page to be rendered. The event is raised right after the HTML to Image element finished PDF page rendering. The PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed. In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the foreground of the rendered PDF page. Gets or sets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels of the HTML to Image element. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width can also be specified in the class constructor. The default value is 1024 pixels. Gets or sets the HTML viewer height in pixels of the HTML to Image element. If the specified HTML viewer height is 0 the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the property of the class. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer height can also be specified in the class contructor. The default value is 0 to automatically determine the HTML viewer height based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width. Gets or sets the URL of the HTML document to be converted to image Gets or sets the HTML string to be converted to image Gets or sets the base URL of the HTML string to be converted to image Gets or sets the x position in points where the rendered image will be placed in PDF page Gets or sets the y position in points where the rendered image will be placed in PDF page Gets or sets the destination width in points of the rendered image. If the specified width is less or equal to 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page Gets or sets the destination height in points of the rendered image. If the specified height is less or equal to 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. A space in points to introduce at the top of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered to image. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the top spacing is 0. A space in points to introduce at the bottom of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered to image. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the bottom spacing is 0. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer of the HTML to Image element at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the HtmlViewerWidth property. The default value of this property is false. When this property is true the resulted image will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. When false the image will be rendered at the real size. By default this property is true and the image will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page When this property is true the resulted image will be resized if necessary to fit the available height in PDF page. By default this property is false. This property has effect in HTML to Image element only when property is true. When is true and this property is true the HTML content will be stretched if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. By default this property is false and the content will not be stretched to fit the available width in PDF page. A flag indicating if the HTML to Image element will always insert a new page in the PDF document when rendering next page instead of trying to use an already existing PDF page. This property is false by default When true this options instructs the HTML to Image element converter to convert the HTML links to PDF links. The default value is true. A flag indicating if the interactive features are enabled for hidden HTML elements. This property is false by default When true this options instructs the HTML to Image element converter to convert the internal HTML links to internal PDF links. The default value is true. A flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in the HTML to Image element converter. The default is true. When this property is true the HTML to Image element can be paginated to render many PDF pages if necessary. Returns the collection of HTTP POST fields to be used when accessing a web page in HTML to Image element. If there are elements in collection then the converter will make a POST request to the web page URL with the fields from this collection, otherwise it will make a GET request Gets or sets the media type of the HTML document used by the HTML to Image element. The default media type is 'screen'. If you set this property with 'print' then the CSS properties defined in '@media print' rule will be used to render the document Gets or sets a flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in HTML in the HTML to Image element converter. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in HTML in the HTML to Image element converter. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed in the HTML to Image element converter. The default value is false and no extension is executed. The Flash player for Google Chrome must be installed in order to execute the flash content from HTML Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to Image element should try to download all the resources even if this could cause a slower conversion. The default value is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to Image element should perform a pre-rendering. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in HTML to Image element converter. The default value is false and the scripts are not interrupted Get or set the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered by the HTML to Image element. If the selector selects multiple HTML elements, only the the first one will be converted. The CSS selector is case sensitive. If this property is not set then the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to Image element. The default value is 0 and the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from HTML document by the HTML to Image element. This value of this property is ignored if the HtmlViewerHeight property is set Gets or sets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to Image element. This value of this property is ignored if the HtmlViewerHeight property is set The default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document. By default this property is not set and an auto determined text encoding will be used by converter Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels of an image part in HTML to Image element The conversion triggering mode used by the HTML to Image element converter. The default value is Auto An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to Image element. The HTML to Image element converter navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60. Gets a collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the HTML to Image element converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. The property can be set on true to instruct the converter to send the custom headers each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. By default the property is false and the custom headers are not automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. The custom HTTP headers can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. The preferred method to send cookies is to use the property. This property can be set on true to instruct the HTML to Image element converter to send the custom headers defined by the HttpRequestHeaders property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. The default value of this property is true and the custom headers are automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. Gets a collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the HTML to Image element converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested. A cookie is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. A flag in HTML to Image element indicating if the supplemental languages (complex script, right-to-left, East Asian) support was enabled in Windows XP Regional and Language Options. The default value is false. When true this property instructs the HTML to Image element converter to try to avoid cutting off the images between PDF pages Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to not be broken between PDF pages if possible when the HTML to Image element is rendered Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements before which to force a page break in PDF document Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements after which to force a page break in PDF document Sets the full path of evointernal.dat helper file of the HTML to Image element. By default this file is expected to be found in the same folder with evohtmltopdf.dll assembly. Gets a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used by the HTML to Image element to access the HTML document to convert. This property can be set with an username and a password in order to authenticate to the web server before accessing the URL to be converted in HTML to Image element. They can be used for example to resolve the IIS Integrated Windows Authentication or other types of IIS authentication. The impersonation options applied during navigation in HTML to Image element Gets a reference to the object controlling the bookmarks creation in PDF for the HTML to Image element. In order to enable creation of bookmarks you have to set the property of class with the CSS selectors of the HTML elements you want to bookmark. Gets a reference to the object that can be used to obtain the position in PDF of the HTML elements rendered by the HTML to Image element. In order to retrieve the position in PDF for a list of HTML elements, the property of class must be set with an array of strings containing the CSS selectors of the HTML elements you want to map. The positions of the HTML elements in the generated PDF document will be returned in the object after the element was added to the page. The bounds of the rectangle rendered in each PDF page by the HTML to Image element. This property is assigned after the element has been added to a PDF page. Gets an object populated after conversion with the title, keywords, and description of the converted HTML document rendered by the HTML to Image element. This class encapsulates a HTML to PDF converter functionality. Objects of this class can be added at any location in a PDF page or Template to render HTML. The conversion is performed when the element is added to a page or Template. The default virtual browser width in pixels The default virtual browser height in pixels is set to autodetect the HTML content height. The default width in PDF of the element is set to available width in PDF page. The default width in PDF of the element is set to available width in PDF page. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element that will be rendered at the (0,0) location in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element that will be rendered at the (0,0) location in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the (0,0) location in PDF page. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The URL to convert to PDF Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed the destination width will be given by the available width in page The URL to convert to PDF Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The height in PDF is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The height in PDF is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The height in PDF is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The URL to convert to PDF Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The URL to convert to PDF Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The height in PDF is auto determined. The virtual browser width in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth parameter. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The height in PDF is auto determined. The virtual browser width in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth parameter. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The height in PDF is auto determined. The virtual browser width in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth parameter. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The URL to convert to PDF The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The virtual browser width and height in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight parameters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The virtual browser width and height in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight parameters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content. Creates a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The URL to convert to PDF The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content. Creates a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a document URL to resolve the internal links. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The URL to convert to PDF The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML document. This parameter is necessary when the converted URL is not the full URL of a document. The event is raised after the HTML to PDF element created the PDF page and before starting rendering it. In the handler of this event the PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer can still be changed before starting rendering. The event is raised right before the page is rendered by HTML to PDF element. The PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed. In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the background of the PDF page to be rendered. The event is raised right after the HTML to PDF element finished PDF page rendering. The PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed. In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the foreground of the rendered PDF page. The event is raised right after the converter finished the navigation and before rendering HTML content to PDF Gets or sets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels of the HTML to PDF element. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width can also be specified in the class constructor. The default value is 1024 pixels. Gets or sets the HTML viewer height in pixels of the HTML to PDF element. If the specified HTML viewer height is 0 the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the property of the class. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer height can also be specified in the class contructor. The default value is 0 to automatically determine the HTML viewer height based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width. Gets or sets the URL of the HTML document to be converted to PDF Gets or sets the HTML string to be converted to PDF Gets or sets the base URL of the HTML string to be converted to PDF Gets or sets the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed in PDF page Gets or sets the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed in PDF page Gets or sets the destination width in points of the rendered content. If the specified width is less or equal to 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page Gets or sets the destination height in points of the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal to 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. A space in points to introduce at the top of PDF pages where the HTML element is rendered. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the top spacing is 0. A space in points to introduce at the bottom of PDF pages where the HTML element is rendered. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the bottom spacing is 0. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer of the HTML to PDF element at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the property. The default value of this property is false. When true this property instructs the HTML to PDF element converter to try to avoid cutting off the text between PDF pages. This property is true by default When true this property instructs the HTML to PDF element converter to try to avoid cutting off the images between PDF pages Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to not be broken between PDF pages if possible when the HTML to PDF element is rendered Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements before which to force a page break in PDF document when the HTML to PDF element is rendered Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements after which to force a page break in PDF document when the HTML to PDF element is rendered When this property is true the content produced by the HTML to PDF element will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. When false the HTML content will be rendered at the real size. By default this property is true and the content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. When this property is true the content produced by the HTML to PDF element will be resized if necessary to fit the available height in PDF page. By default this property is false. This property has effect in HTML to PDF element only when property is true. When is true and this property is true the HTML content will be stretched if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. By default this property is false and the content will not be stretched to fit the available width in PDF page. When true this options instructs the HTML to PDF element to convert the HTML links to PDF links. The default value is true. A flag indicating if the interactive features are enabled for hidden HTML elements. This property is false by default When true this options instructs the HTML to PDF element to convert the internal HTML links to internal PDF links. The default value is true. A flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to PDF element converter. The default is true. When this property is true the HTML to PDF element can be paginated to render many PDF pages if necessary. When true this options instructs the HTML to PDF element converter to embed all the true type fonts into the PDF document. The default value is true Returns the collection of HTTP POST fields to be used when accessing a web page in HTML to PDF element. If there are elements in collection then the converter will make a POST request to the web page URL with the fields from this collection, otherwise it will make a GET request Gets or sets the media type of the HTML document used by the HTML to PDF element. The default media type is 'screen'. If you set this property with 'print' then the CSS properties defined in '@media print' rule will be used to render the document Gets or sets a flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in the HTML to PDF element converter. The default value is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in the HTML to PDF element converter. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the fonts with PostScript outlines are enabled in the HTML to PDF element converter. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed in HTML to PDF element converter. The default value is false and no extension is executed. The Flash player for Google Chrome must be installed in order to execute the flash content from HTML Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element should try to download all the resources even if this could cause a slower conversion. The default value is false. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element should perform a pre-rendering. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in the HTML to PDF element converter. The default value is false and the scripts are not interrupted Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering in HTML to PDF element Get or set the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered by the HTML to PDF element converter. If the selector selects multiple HTML elements, only the the first one will be converted. The CSS selector is case sensitive. If this property is not set then the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF element converter. The default value is 0 and the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from HTML document by the HTML to PDF element converter. This value of this property is ignored if the property is set Gets or sets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to PDF element converter. This value of this property is ignored if the property is set The default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document. By default this property is not set and an auto determined text encoding will be used by converter Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels of an image part in HTML to PDF element converter The conversion triggering mode used by HTML to PDF element converter. The default value is An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to PDF element converter. The HTML to PDF element converter navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60. Gets a collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the HTML to PDF element converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. The property can be set on true to instruct the converter to send the custom headers each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. By default the property is false and the custom headers are not automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. The custom HTTP headers can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. The preferred method to send cookies is to use the property. This property can be set on true to instruct the HTML to PDF element converter to send the custom headers defined by the property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. The default value of this property is true and the custom headers are automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. Gets a collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the HTML to PDF element converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested. A cookie is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. A flag in HTML to PDF element indicating if the supplemental languages (complex script, right-to-left, East Asian) support was enabled in Windows XP Regional and Language Options. The default value is false. A flag indicating if rendering of HTML document is tiled in HTML to PDF element. This property is true by default A flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element will always insert a new page in the PDF document when rendering next page instead of trying to use an already existing PDF page. This property is false by default A flag indicating the PDF graphics are rendered at the best quality by HTML to PDF element. The default property value is true A flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element converter uses transparency information of the images. The default property value is true A flag indicating if the images scaling is allowed in HTML to PDF element. The default property value is false A flag indicating if the hidden elements are rendered by the HTML to PDF element. The default property value is false Get or sets a flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table header in PDF pages generated by the HTML to PDF element is enabled. Default value is true Get or sets a flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table footer in PDF pages generated by the HTML to PDF element is enabled. Default value is true Sets the full path of evointernal.dat helper file of the HTML to PDF element. By default this file is expected to be found in the same folder with evohtmltopdf.dll assembly. Gets a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used by HTML to PDF element to access the HTML document to convert. The AuthenticationOptions can be set with an username and a password in order to authenticate to the web server before accessing the URL to be converted in HTML to PDF element converter. They can be used for example to resolve the IIS Integrated Windows Authentication or other types of IIS authentication. They cannot be used to resolve ASP.NET Forms Authentication or a custom authentication method defined at application level. The impersonation options applied during navigation by HTML to PDF element converter Gets a reference to the object controlling the bookmarks creation in PDF for the HTML to PDF element. In order to enable creation of bookmarks you have to set the property of class with the CSS selectors of the HTML elements you want to bookmark. Gets a reference to the object controlling the automatic conversion of a HTML form to a PDF form in the generated PDF document Gets a reference to the object that can be used to obtain the position in PDF of the HTML elements rendered by the HTML to PDF element. In order to retrieve the position in PDF for a list of HTML elements, the property of class must be set with an array of strings containing the CSS selectors of the HTML elements you want to map. The positions of the HTML elements in the generated PDF document will be returned in the object after the element was added to the page. The bounds of the rectangle rendered in each PDF page by the HTML to PDF element. This property is assigned after the element has been added to a PDF page. Gets an object populated after conversion with the title, keywords, and description of the HTML document rendered by the HTML to PDF element. This class encapsulates a HTML to PDF converter functionality. Objects of this class can be added at any location in a to render HTML. A conversion is performed for each PDF page where the Template is rendered. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element that will be rendered at the (0,0) location in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element that will be rendered at the (0,0) location in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The height in PDF is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The height in PDF is auto determined. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The height in PDF is auto determined. The virtual browser width in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth parameter. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The height in PDF is auto determined. The virtual browser width in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth parameter. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources. The virtual browser width and height in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight parameters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content. Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The virtual browser width and height in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight parameters. The x position in points where the rendered content will be placed The y position in points where the rendered content will be placed The destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page The destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks. The HTML string convert to PDF. The full URL of the page from where this string was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used. The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content. This event is raised right before the variable HTML is rendered in a PDF page Gets or sets the variable HTML string to be converted to PDF Represents the delegate for the event Event parameters Represents the parameters of the event The PDF page where the variable HTML is currently rendered The number in PDF document of the PDF page where the variable HTML is currently rendered The total number of PDF pages in the PDF document being rendered The HtmlToPdfVariableElement which triggered this event Objects of this class can be added to a PDF document to render images Constructs an empty image element. The InitPdfImage method must be called after construction to initialize the image element Initializes an image element from a file. This method must be called on empty image elements The image element X coordinate in points The image element Y coordinate in points The image element width in points The full path of the image file Initializes an image element from a file keeping the aspect ratio. This method must be called on empty image elements The image element X coordinate in points The image element Y coordinate in points The image element width in points The image element height in points The full path of the image file Initializes an image element from a file. This method must be called on empty image elements The image element X coordinate in points The image element Y coordinate in points The image element width in points The image element height in points A flag indicating if the aspect ratio of the image is kept when the image is rendered in PDF The full path of the image file Creates an object from the specified file that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the width equal to available width in page and the height auto determined to keep the initial aspect ratio. The X location where this element will be rendered The Y location where this element will be rendered The image file path Creates an object from the specified file that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the specified width destWidth and the height auto determined to keep the initial aspect ratio. The X location where this element will be rendered The Y location where this element will be rendered The destination rectangle width The image file path Creates an object from the specified object that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with a width equal to the available space in page and the height auto determined to keep the aspect ratio. The X location where this element will be rendered The Y location where this element will be rendered The image file path Creates an object from the specified object that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the specified width destWidth and the height auto determined to keep the aspect ratio. The X location where this element will be rendered The Y location where this element will be rendered The destination rectangle width The image file path Creates an from the specified file that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the (destWidth,destHeight) size keeping the aspect ratio. The X location where this element will be rendered The Y location where this element will be rendered The destination rectangle width The destination rectangle height The image file path Creates an from the specified file that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the (destWidth,destHeight) size. The X location where this element will be rendered The Y location where this element will be rendered The destination rectangle width The destination rectangle height A flag indicating if the aspect ratio of the image is kept when the image is rendered in PDF The image file path Creates an object from the specified object that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the (destWidth,destHeight) size keeping the apect ratio. The X location where this element will be rendered The Y location where this element will be rendered The destination rectangle width The destination rectangle height The System.Drawing.Image object Creates an object from the specified object that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the (destWidth,destHeight) size. The X location where this element will be rendered The Y location where this element will be rendered The destination rectangle width The destination rectangle height A flag indicating if the aspect ratio of the image is kept when the image is rendered in PDF The System.Drawing.Image object The event is raised after the Image element created the PDF page and before starting rendering it. In the handler of this event the PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer can still be changed before starting rendering. The event is raised right before the page is rendered by Image element. The PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed. In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the background of the PDF page to be rendered. The event is raised right after the Image Element finished PDF page rendering. The PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed. In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the foreground of the rendered PDF page. Gets or sets the image element location on X in PDF page Gets or sets the image element location on Y in PDF page Gets or sets the image destination width in PDF page Gets or sets the image destination height in PDF page When this property true the element can be paginated and rendered in many PDF pages A flag indicating if the Image element will always insert a new page in the PDF document when rendering next page instead of trying to use an already existing PDF page. This property is false by default Set this property to enable/disable multi-frame images rendering when necessary A flag indicating if the image alpha transparency information is used when the image is rendered in PDF. The default value is false. Set this property to true to use transparency information from the transparent PNG images and bitmap images with alpha channel when the image is rendered in PDF. A flag imdicating if the aspect ratio of the image should be kept when the image is rendered in PDF. The default value of the property is true A flag imdicating if the image can be enlarged if necessary to fit the destination in PDF. The default value of the property is true Gets the underlying image object Gets the underlying image width. Gets the underlying image height. Gets the number of frames of a multi-frame image (eg. tiff image). Gets or sets the active frame number of a multi-frame image (e.g tiff image). This class offers the necessary methods to create a raster image from a web page at given URL or from a HTML string. The generated image can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file Creates a HTML to Image converter using the default width and height for the HTML viewer. The default HTML viewer width is 1024 pixels and the default HTML viewer height is 0 which means the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the default width of 1024 pixels, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The width and height of the HTML viewer can also be controlled by the and properties of the class. Creates a HTML to Image converter using the specified width in pixels and the default height for the HTML viewer. The default HTML viewer height is 0 which means the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. If the content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The width and height of the HTML viewer can also be controlled by the and properties of the class. The preferred HTML viewer width in pixels. Creates a HTML to Image converter using the specified width and height in pixels for the HTML viewer. If the specified HTML viewer height is 0 the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. If the content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The width and height of the HTML viewer can also be controlled by the and properties of the class. The preferred HTML viewer width in pixels. The preferred HTML viewer height in pixels. Converts an URL to an object The URL of the HTML document to convert to image. The full path of a HTML file in the local file system is accepted as an URL if necessary The created object Converts an URL to a set of objects. The image is tiled to avoid working with very large images in memory The URL of the HTML document to convert to image. The full path of a HTML file in the local file system is accepted as an URL if necessary The created objects Converts a HTML string to an object using a base URL to resolve external resources The HTML string to convert to image The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The created object Converts a HTML string to a set of objects using a base URL to resolve external resources. The image is tiled to avoid working with very large images in memory The HTML string to convert to image The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The rendered objects Converts a HTML string to a set of objects using a base URL to resolve external resources and an internal links base URL. The image is tiled to avoid working with very large images in memory The HTML string to convert to image The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The full URL of the HTML document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string The created objects Converts an URL to an image having the given image format and returns the rendered image into a memory buffer The URL of the HTML document to convert to image. The full path of a HTML file in the local file system is accepted as an URL if necessary The image format A memory buffer containing the the generated image Converts a HTML file to an image having the given format and returns the rendered image into a memory buffer The full path of the HTML file to convert to image The image format A memory buffer containing the the generated image Converts a HTML string to an image having the given format using a base URL to resolve external resources and returns the rendered image into a memory buffer The HTML string to convert to image The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The image format A memory buffer containing the the generated image Converts the HTML string read from a stream to an image having the given format using a base URL to resolve external resources and returns the rendered image into a memory buffer The stream containing the HTML string to convert to image The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The image format A memory buffer containing the the generated image Converts an URL to an image having the given format and writes the rendered image into a file The URL of the HTML document to convert to image. The full path of a HTML file in the local file system is accepted as an URL if necessary The image format The full path of the file where to write the rendered image Converts a HTML file to an image having the given format and writes the rendered image into a file The full path of the HTML file to convert to image The image format The full path of the file where to write the rendered image Converts a HTML string to an image having the given format using a base URL to resolve external resources and writes the rendered image into a file The HTML string to be convert to image The image format The URL base of the page The full path of the file where to write the rendered image to resolve external resources and writes the rendered image into a fileConverts the HTML string read from a stream to an image having the given format using a base URL The stream containing the HTML string to convert to image The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The image format The full path of the file where to write the rendered image Gets or sets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels in the HTML to Image converter. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width can also be specified in the class constructor. The default value is 1024 pixels. Gets or sets the HTML viewer height in pixels in the HTML to Image converter. If the specified HTML viewer height is 0 the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the property. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer height can also be specified in the class contructor. The default value is 0 to automatically determine the HTML viewer height based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer of the HTML to Image converter at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the property. The default value of this property is false. Gets or sets the license key string received from the vendor in HTML to Image converter. If this property is null the converter will automatically enter in evaluation mode and a demo watermark will be displayed on the generated image. A flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to Image converter. The default is true This property can be set with an username and a password in order to authenticate to the web server before accessing the URL to be converted in HTML to Image converter. They can be used for example to resolve the IIS Integrated Windows Authentication or other types of IIS authentication. The impersonation options applied during navigation in HTML to Image converter A flag indicating if the image captured by converter is tiled. The default value is true The default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document. By default this property is not set and an auto determined text encoding will be used by converter Gets a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used by HTML to Image converter to access the HTML document to convert. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the resulted image will have a transparent background when converting a HTML documement without a defined background color or image. This property is false by default Returns the collection of HTTP POST fields to be used when accessing a web page in the HTML to Image converter. If there are elements in collection then the converter will make a POST request to the web page URL with the fields from this collection, otherwise it will make a GET request Gets or sets the media type of the HTML document used by the HTML to Image converter. The default media type is 'screen'. If you set this property with 'print' then the CSS properties defined in '@media print' rule will be used to render the document Gets or sets a flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in HTML during HTML to Image conversion. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to Image conversion. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the fonts with PostScript outlines are enabled in HTML during the HTML to Image conversion. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed during the HTML to Image conversion. The default value is false and no extension is executed. The Flash player for Google Chrome must be installed in order to execute the flash content from HTML Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to Image converter should try to download all the resources even if this could cause a slower conversion. The default value is false. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to Image converter should perform a pre-rendering. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in HTML to Image converter. The default value is false and the scripts are not interrupted Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering in HTML to Image converter When true this property instructs the HTML to PDF converter to try to avoid cutting off the images between PDF pages. By default this property is false Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to not be broken between PDF pages if possible Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements before which to force a page break in PDF document Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements after which to force a page break in PDF document Get or set the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered by the HTML to Image converter. If the selector selects multiple HTML elements, only the the first one will be converted. The CSS selector is case sensitive. If this property is not set then the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to Image converter. The default value is 0 and the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from HTML document by the HTML to Image converter. This value of this property is ignored if the property is set Gets or sets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to Image converter. This value of this property is ignored if the property is set Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels of an image part in HTML to Image converter The conversion triggering mode used by the HTML to Image converter An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to Image converter The HTML to Image converter navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60. Gets a collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the HTML to Image converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. The property can be set on true to instruct the converter to send the custom headers each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. By default the property is false and the custom headers are not automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. The custom HTTP headers can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. The preferred method to send cookies is to use the property. The PersistentHttpRequestHeaders property can be set on true to instruct the HTML to Image converter to send the custom headers defined by the property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. The default value of this property is true and the custom headers are automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. Gets a collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the HTML to Image converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested. A cookie is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. A flag in HTML to Image converter indicating if the supplemental languages (complex script, right-to-left, East Asian) support was enabled in Windows XP Regional and Language Options. The default value is false. Sets the full path of evointernal.dat helper file of the HTML to Image converter. By default this file is expected to be found in the same folder with evohtmltopdf.dll assembly. This class represents the HTML to Image converter and offers the necessary properties and methods to convert HTML documents to raster images. This class is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by class in the future versions This constructor creates a HTML to Image converter using the default width and height for the HTML viewer This constructor creates a HTML to Image converter using the given width in pixels and the default height for the HTML viewer The HTML viewer width in pixels This constructor creates a HTML to Image converter using the given width and height in pixels of the HTML viewer The HTML viewer width in pixels The HTML viewer height in pixels Converts an URL to an image object. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The URL to convert The image object Converts an URL to an array of image objects. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The URL to convert The image objects Converts a HTML string to an image object. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The image object Converts a HTML string to an Image object using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The image object Converts a HTML string to a set of image objects. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The created image objects Converts a HTML string to a set of image objects using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The created image objects Converts a HTML string to a set of image objects using a base URL and an internal links base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The internal links base URL The created image objects Converts an URL to an image having the given image format. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The URL to convert The image format The created image bytes Converts a HTML file to an image having the given format. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML file to convert The image format The created image bytes Converts a HTML string to an image having the given format. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The image format The created image bytes Converts a HTML string to an image having the given format using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The image format The base URL The created image bytes Converts the HTML string read from a stream to an image having the given format. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The image format The created image bytes Converts the HTML string read from a stream to an image having the given format using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The image format The base URL The created image bytes Converts an URL to an image having the given format. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The URL to convert The image format The output image file Converts a HTML file to an image having the given format. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML file to convert The image format The output image file Converts a HTML string to an image having the given format. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The image format The output image file Converts a HTML string to an image having the given format using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The image format The output image file The base URL Converts the HTML string read from a stream to an image having the given format. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The image format The output image file Converts the HTML string read from a stream to an image having the given format using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The image format The output image file The base URL The logon mode for impersonation Automatic logon Explicit logon This class encapsulates the options to control the HTML converter impersonation during navigation A flag indicating if the converter should impersonate the current user during navigation. By default this property is false. The name of the user to logon before navigation. The and properties must also be set. This property has priority over the property. By default this property is not set. The user Windows domain name. This property together with property define the user to logon before navigation. If the user is not part of a Windows domain the machine name can be used. By default this property is not set. The password of the user specified by and properties. By default this property is not set. The logon mode of the user before navigation. This property has effect only when a username for impersonation is specified. The default logon mode is automatic. Represents the delegate for the event Event parameters Represents the parameters of the event The width of the HTML document in pixels The height of the HTML document in pixels The width of the HTML document in points The height of the HTML document in points Represents a graphic element to be rendered in a PDF document Creates a graphic path element The path start point Adds a Bezier curve to path The Bezier curve segment start point The Bezier curve segment direction point The Bezier curve segment end point Adds a line to path The line end point A flag indicating if the path should be automatically closed. By default this property is false and the path is not closed This class offers the necessary properties and methods to control the style of the automatically generated PDF form fields Use the given system font when the automatically generated PDF form field needs a font The system font A flag indicating if the system font will be embedded in PDF. Only the PDF form submit buttons support embedded system fonts. Use the given standard PDF font when the automatically generated PDF form field needs a font The standard font Use the given previously created PDF font when the automatically generated PDF form field needs a font The PDF font Gets or sets the form field border style in an automatically generated PDF form Gets or sets the form field background color in an automatically generated PDF form Gets or sets the form field fore color in an automatically generated PDF form Gets or sets the PDF form field border color in an automatically generated PDF form Gets or sets a flag indicating if the form field is flattened. The default value of the property is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the field is read only. The default value of the property is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the field should have a value at the time it is exported by a submit form action. The default value of the property is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the field is exported by a submit form action. The default value of the property is true This class contains the properties to control the automatic conversion of a HTML form into a fillable PDF form A flag indicating if the HTML form elements like text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons and submit buttons are automatically converted to PDF form fields in the generated PDF document. The default value is false. Gets the submit button style object where you can set the style properties Gets the text box field style object where you can set the style properties Gets the multiline text box field style object where you can set the style properties Gets the password text box field style object where you can set the style properties Gets the combo box field style object where you can set the style properties Gets the list box field style object where you can set the style properties Gets the checkbox field style object where you can set the style properties Gets the radio buttons group field style object where you can set the style properties Represents the delegate for the event Event parameters Represents the parameters of the event Gets a reference to the added PDF page Gets the index of the added page in PDF document pages collection Represents the delegate for the event Event parameters Represents the parameters of the event Gets a reference to the PDF page being rendered The number in PDF document of the PDF page to initialize A flag indicating if the PDF page to initialize is a new page just created by converter or a previously created page The PDF document to which the PDF page to initialize belongs Set this property on true to cancel the conversion before the PDF page to initialize is rendered This class represents an internal link element in the PDF document which can be used to connect various sections of a PDF document Constructs an PDF internal link element with the given location and destination The link rectangle in page The link destination Gets or sets the internal link element rectangle in PDF page Gets or sets the link destination The line cap style Default line cap style. The stroke is squared off at the endpoint of the path. There is no projection beyond the end of the path. A semicircular arc with a diameter equal to the line width is drawn around the endpoint and filled in. The stroke continues beyond the endpoint of the path for a distance equal to half the line width and is then squared off. Specifies the style of a dashed line. Default dash style Specifies a solid line Specifies a line consisting of dashes. Specifies a line consisting of dots. Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot. Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot-dot. This class represents a line element that can be added to a PDF document Constructs a line element The start X coordinate The start Y coordinate The end X coordinate The end Y coordinate This enumeration represents the possible styles to join the lines in a PDF document Default line join style. The outer edges of the strokes for the two segments are extended until they meet at an angle, as in a picture frame. If the segments meet at too sharp an angle (as defined by the miter limit parameter— see "Miter Limit"), a bevel join is used instead. An arc of a circle with a diameter equal to the line width is drawn around the point where the two segments meet, connecting the outer edges of the strokes for the two segments. This pie slice-shaped figure is filled in, producing a rounded corner. The two segments are finished with caps (see "Line Cap Style") and the resulting notch beyond the ends of the segments is filled with a triangle. The line style for a graphic element which draws lines Constructs a default line style Constructs a line style with the specified line width The line width Constructs a style for a dashed line The dash style Constructs a style for a dashed line The line width The dash style Constructs a style for a line with the specified width, cap and join styles The line width in graphic units The line cap style The line join style The line width Gets or sets the line cap style Gets or sets the line join style Gets or sets the line dash pattern This class represents the dimensions of the margins of a PDF page Initializes all margins with 0 Initializes all margins with the same value The value for all document margins. Default constructor initializes with 0 all the margins The left margin The right margin The top margin The ottom margin The left margin in points The right margin in points of the PDF page The top margin in points of the PDF page The bottom margin in points Empty margins object The type of proxy used by converter to resolve requests No proxy is used Proxy for any kind of connection HTTP transparent proxy HTTP caching proxy This class represents a collection of pages of in a PDF document The parent PDF Document. Creates a collection of pages for this document. The PDF document for which this collection is created. Gets the collection enumerator. The collection enumerator. Creates a new PDF page and adds it to the collection. If there is a previous page in the collection, the orientation and size are inherited from the that page otherwise a first page with the default A4 size and Portrait orientation is created. The page margins are inherited from the default document margins. The newly created PDF page. Creates a new PDF page and adds it to the collection. If there is a previous page in the collection, the orientation and size are inherited from the that page otherwise a first page with the default A4 size and Portrait orientation is created. The PDF page margins. The newly created PDF page. Creates a new PDF page and adds it to the collection. If there is a previous page in the collection, the page orientation is inherited from the that page otherwise a first page with the specified size and Portrait orientation is created. The page size in points. The page mergins in points. The newly created PDF page. Creates a new PDF page with the specified size, margins and orientation and adds it to the collection. The PDF page size in points. The PDF page margins in points. The PDF page orientation. The newly created PDF page. Creates a new PDF page with the specified size, margins and orientation and inserts it into the collection at the specified index The index where to insert the new page. The PDF page size in points. The PDF page margins in points. The PDF page orientation. The newly created PDF page. Adds the specified page to the document pages collection. The page to be added is allowed to be from another document. The source document of the page to be added must remain opened until the current document is saved. The page to be added to the collection. The index of the page in collection. If the page already exists, this method returns the index of the existing page Adds the specified array of pages to the PDF document pages. The page to be added are allowed to be from another document. The source document of the pages to be added must remain opened until the current document is saved. The PDF pages to be added. Inserts the specified page into the document pages collection at the specified index. The page to be added is allowed to be from another document. The source document of the page to be inserted must remain opened until the current document is saved. The index where the page will be inserted. The PDF page to be inserted. Indicates if the collection contains specified page. The PDF page to search. True if the collection contains specified page. Returns the index of specified page in collection. PDF page to search. The index of the page in collection. Removes the specified PDF page from the pages collection. The PDF page to be removed. Removes the PDF page at the specified index in collection. The zero based index of the PDF page to be removed. The parent document of this collection Gets or sets the page at the specified zero based index in the pages collection. The zero based page index in the collection. The PDF page at the specified index The number of pages in collection. Base class for the Go To, JavaScript, Submit Form or Reset Form actions Represents a Go To action in the PDF document. Creates a Go To action based on the sepecified explicit destination. The destination of the Go To action. Gets or sets the explicit destination of the Go To action. Represents a JavaScript action in the PDF document. Creates a JavaScript action based on a JavaScript string. The JavaScript string. Gets or sets the JavaScript code executed by this action. This class contains the necessary properties to control the bookmarks creation in a PDF document A flag indicating if the automatic creation of bookmarks in PDF for the H1 to H6 HTML elements is enabled or not. By default the automatic bookmarks creation is disabled A flag indicating if the bookmarks created in PDF for the HTML elements are arranged in a hierarchy based on the bookmark levels defined in HTML. By default this property is true Gets or sets the selectors of the HTML elements to be bookmarked. For example, the selector for all the H1 elements is "H1", the selector for all the elements with the CSS class name 'myclass' is "*.myclass" and the selector for the elements with the id 'myid' is "*#myid". A flag indicating if the HTML elements without text can be bookmarked. This property is true by default Gets or sets the default title to be used for bookmarks that don't have an associated text. This property has effect only if is true. This property defaults to "Bookmark" text Gets or sets the maximum accepted length of the bookmark title string. If a positive value is set for this property the bookmark title will be truncated if necessary. By default and the bookmark title will not be truncated This enumeration represents the possible border stylea in a PDF document Default border style No border Single border 3D border Represents a PDF color Creates a PDF color object based on a .NET structure The .NET Color structure. Creates a Grayscale color based on gray level A value between 0 and 1 to specify the gray level Creates a color based on RGB values. The color values are on a scale from 0 to 255. Red value. Green value. Blue value. Creates a color based on GMYK values. The color values are on a scale from 0 to 1. Cyan value. Magenta value. Yellow value. Key value. Implicit operator to convert a .NET structure a PDF color. The .NET Color object The PDF color. Implicit operator to convert a PDF color to a .NET structure. The PDF color object The .NET color object. Gets a reference to an empty PDF color having all components 0. Gets or sets the value of the Red component of this PDF color. Gets or sets the value of the Blue component of this PDF color. Gets or sets the value of the Green component of this PDF color. Gets or sets Gray level. Gets or sets Cyan value. Gets sets Magenta value. Gets sets Yellow chanel value. Gets or sets Black value. This enumration represents the possible compression levels that can be used when a PDF document is saved The PDF document is not compressed. Normal compression level. This is the default compression level of the PDF document. Produces the smallest PDF document but it takes longer to compress the streams. This class is the main class of the HTML to PDF Converter which offers the necessary methods to create a PDF document from a web page at given URL or from a HTML string. The generated PDF document can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file Creates a HTML to PDF converter using the default width and height for the HTML viewer window. The default HTML viewer width is 1024 pixels and the default HTML viewer height is 0 which means the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the default width of 1024 pixels, the ClipHtmlView property will control whether the HTML content is clipped to the width set for the HTML viewer or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The width and height of the HTML viewer can also be controlled by the and properties of the HtmlToPdfConverter class. Creates a HTML to PDF converter using the specified width in pixels and the default height for the HTML viewer window. The default HTML viewer height is 0 which means the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. If the content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The width and height of the HTML viewer can also be controlled by the and properties of the class. The HTML viewer width in pixels Creates a HTML to PDF using the specified width and height in pixels for the HTML viewer window. If the specified HTML viewer height is 0 the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. If the content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The width and height of the HTML viewer can also be controlled by the and properties of the class The HTML viewer width in pixels The HTML viewer height in pixels A fast method to obtain the page count of a PDF document from the specified file path. The path of the PDF file for which to get the page count. The number of pages in the specified PDF document. A fast method to obtain the page count of a PDF document from the specified stream. The stream containing the PDF document for which to get the page count. The number of pages in the specified PDF document. Converts an URL to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects The URL of the HTML document to convert to PDF. The full path of a HTML file in the local file system is accepted as an URL if necessary The created object Converts a HTML file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects The full path of the HTML file to convert to PDF The created object Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. The HTML string to convert to PDF The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The created object Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and an internal links base URL and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. The HTML string to convert to PDF The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The fully qualified URL of the HTML document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string The created object Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. The stream containing the HTML string to convert to PDF The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The created object Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and an internal links and returns the rendered PDF document as an object of the class that can be further used in other operations requiring this type of objects. The stream containing the HTML string to convert to PDF The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The fully qualified URL of the HTML document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string The created object Converts an URL to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer The URL of the HTML document to convert to PDF. The full path of a HTML file in the local file system is accepted as an URL if necessary A memory buffer containing the the generated PDF document Converts a HTML file to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer The full path of the HTML file to convert to PDF A memory buffer containing the the generated PDF document Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer The HTML string to convert to PDF The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML A memory buffer containing the the generated PDF document Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and an internal links base URL and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer The HTML string to convert to PDF The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The full URL of the HTML document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string A memory buffer containing the the generated PDF document Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer The stream containing the HTML string to convert to PDF The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML An array of bytes containing the binary representation of the PDF document. Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and an internal links base URL and returns the rendered PDF document into a memory buffer The stream containing the HTML string to convert to PDF The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The full URL of the HTML document referenced by the internal links from the HTML stream An array of bytes containing the binary representation of the PDF document. Converts an URL to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a stream The URL of the HTML document to convert to PDF. The full path of a HTML file in the local file system is accepted as an URL if necessary The output stream where to write the generated PDF document Converts a HTML file to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a stream The full path of the HTML file to convert to PDF The output stream where to write the generated PDF document Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and writes the rendered PDF document into a stream The HTML string to convert to PDF The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The output stream where to write the generated PDF document Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and an internal links base URL and writes the rendered PDF document into a stream The HTML string to convert to PDF The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The full URL of the HTML document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string The output stream where to write the generated PDF document Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and writes the rendered PDF document into a stream The stream containing the HTML string to convert to PDF The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The output stream where to save the generated PDF document Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and an internal links base URL and writes the rendered PDF document into a stream The stream containing the HTML string to convert to PDF The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The full URL of the HTML document referenced by the internal links from the HTML stream The output stream where to save the generated PDF document Converts an URL to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file The URL of the HTML document to convert to PDF. The full path of a HTML file in the local file system is accepted as an URL if necessary The full path of the file where to write the rendered PDF document Converts a HTML file to PDF and writes the rendered PDF document into a file The full path of the HTML file to convert to PDF The full path of the file where to write the rendered PDF document Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and writes the rendered PDF document into a file The HTML string to convert to PDF The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The full path of the file where to write the rendered PDF document Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and an internal links base URL and writes the rendered PDF document into a file The HTML string to convert to PDF The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The full URL of the HTML document referenced by the internal links from the HTML string The full path of the file where to write the rendered PDF document Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and writes the rendered PDF document into a file The stream containing the HTML string to convert to PDF The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The full path of the file where to write the rendered PDF document Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL to resolve external resources and an internal links base URL and writes the rendered PDF document into a file The stream containing the HTML string to convert to PDF The stream text encoding The base URL used to determine the full URL of the external resources like images, CSS, JavaScript and Web Font files referenced by relative URLs in HTML The full URL of the HTML document referenced by the internal links from the HTML stream The full path of the file where to write the rendered PDF document The event is raised after the HTML to PDF converter created the PDF page and before starting rendering it. In the handler of this event the PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer can still be changed before starting rendering. The event is raised right before the page is rendered by HTML to PDF converter. The PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed. In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the background of the PDF page to be rendered. The event is raised right after the HTML to PDF converter finished PDF page rendering. The PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed. In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the foreground of the rendered PDF page. The event is raised right after the converter finished the navigation and before rendering HTML content to PDF Gets or sets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels in HTML to PDF converter. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width can also be specified in the class constructor. The default value is 1024 pixels. Gets or sets the HTML viewer height in pixels in the HTML to PDF Converter . If the specified HTML viewer height is 0 the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the property of the class. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer height can also be specified in the class contructor. The default value is 0 to automatically determine the HTML viewer height based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer of the HTML to PDF converter at the specified width, this property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the property. The default value of this property is false. Gets or sets the license key string received from the vendor in HTML to PDF converter. If this property is null the converter will automatically enter in evaluation mode and a demo watermark will be displayed on the generated PDF document. Gets a reference to the object controlling the conversion process and the generated PDF document properties. This property can be used to control the PDF document margins, PDF compression level, JPEG compression level, the PDF page size and orientation, the PDF document headers and footers, conversion of the URLs to links in PDF, conversion of the HTML links with anchors to internal PDF links, true type fonts embedding, fit width and stretch to fit, conversion to a single PDF page, append or prepend external PDF documents. This property can be set with an username and a password in order to authenticate to the web server before accessing the URL to be converted in HTML to PDF Converter. They can be used for example to resolve the IIS Integrated Windows Authentication or other types of IIS authentication. The impersonation options applied during navigation in HTML to PDF converter Gets a reference to the object to controlling the generated PDF document information like the document title, author, subject or creation date. Gets a reference to the object to controlling the generated PDF document security settings like user and owner password, restrict printing or editing of the generated PDF document. Gets a reference to an object to control the generated PDF document header options. The header is displayed in the generated PDF document only if the property is true. Gets a reference to an object to control the generated PDF document footer options. The footer is displayed in the generated PDF document only if the property is true. Gets a reference to the object controlling the bookmarks creation for the rendered PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. In order to enable creation of bookmarks you have to set the property of class with the CSS selectors of the HTML elements you want to bookmark. Gets a reference to the object that can be used to obtain the position in PDF of the HTML elements rendered by the HTML to PDF converter. In order to retrieve the position in PDF for a list of HTML elements, the property of class must be set with an array of strings containing the CSS selectors of the HTML elements you want to map. The positions of the HTML elements in the generated PDF document will be returned in the object after the element was added to the page. Gets a reference to the object controlling the automatic creation of a table of contents in the generated PDF document Gets a reference to the object controlling the automatic conversion of a HTML form to a PDF form in the generated PDF document Gets a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used by HTML to PDF converter to access the HTML document to convert. Gets a reference to the object controlling how the generated PDF is displayed by a PDF viewer. Offers summary information about the conversion process. After a successfull conversion this property is initialized with an instance of the class. If the conversion failed this property returns a null value. Gets an object populated after conversion with the title, keywords, and description of the converted HTML document. A flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to PDF converter. The default is true. Returns the collection of HTTP POST fields to be used when accessing a web page in HTML to PDF converter. If there are elements in collection then the converter will make a POST request to the web page URL with the fields from this collection, otherwise it will make a GET request Gets or sets the media type of the HTML document used by the HTML to PDF converter. The default media type is 'screen'. If you set this property with 'print' then the CSS properties defined in '@media print' rule will be used to render the document Gets or sets a flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the fonts with PostScript outlines are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed during HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is false and no extension is executed. The Flash player for Google Chrome must be installed in order to execute the flash content from HTML Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should try to download all the resources even if this could cause a slower conversion. The default value is false. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should perform a pre-rendering. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false and the scripts are not interrupted Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering during HTML to PDF conversion Get or set the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered to PDF by the HTML to PDF converter. If the selector selects multiple HTML elements, only the the first one will be converted. The CSS selector is case sensitive. If this property is not set then the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is 0 and the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter. This value of this property is ignored if the HtmlViewerHeight property is set Gets or sets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to PDF converter. This value of this property is ignored if the HtmlViewerHeight property is set The default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document. By default this property is not set and an auto determined text encoding will be used by converter Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels of an image part in HTML to PDF converter The conversion triggering mode used by the HTML to PDF converter An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to PDF converter The HTML to PDF converter navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60. Gets a collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. The property can be set on true to instruct the converter to send the custom headers each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. By default the property is false and the custom headers are not automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. The custom HTTP headers can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. The preferred method to send cookies is to use the property. This property can be set on true to instruct the HTML to PDF converter to send the custom headers defined by the HttpRequestHeaders property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. The default value of this property is true and the custom headers are automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. Gets a collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested. A cookie is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. A flag in HTML to PDF converter indicating if the supplemental languages (complex script, right-to-left, East Asian) support was enabled in Windows XP Regional and Language Options. The default value is false. Sets the full path of evointernal.dat helper file of the HTML to PDF converter. By default this file is expected to be found in the same folder with evohtmltopdf.dll assembly. This static parameter gives the maximum number of threads in the current .NET application domain that can convert HTML to PDF simultaneously. This parameter must be set before the first conversion performed in the current application domain. When this property is set with a negative value or zero the concurrency level is maximum. The default value is 4. This class represents the HTML to PDF converter and offers the necessary properties and methods to convert HTML documents to PDF. This class is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by class in the future versions This constructor creates a HTML to PDF converter using the default width and height for the HTML viewer This constructor creates a HTML to PDF converter using the given width in pixels and the default height for the HTML viewer The HTML viewer width in pixels This constructor creates a HTML to PDF converter using the given width and height in pixels of the HTML viewer The HTML viewer width in pixels The HTML viewer height in pixels Converts an URL to PDF document object. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The URL to convert The PDF document object Converts a HTML file to a PDF document object. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML file to convert The PDF document object Converts a HTML string to PDF document object. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The PDF document object Converts a HTML string to a PDF document object using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The PDF document object Converts a HTML string to a PDF document object using a base URL and an internal links base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The internal links base URL The PDF document object Converts a HTML from a stream to PDF document object. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The PDF document object Converts a HTML from a stream to a PDF document object using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The base URL The PDF document object Converts a HTML from a stream to a PDF document object using a base URL and an internal links base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The base URL The internal links base URL The PDF document object Converts an URL to PDF. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The URL to convert The PDF document bytes Converts a HTML file to PDF. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML file to convert The PDF document bytes Converts a HTML string to PDF. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The PDF document bytes Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The PDF document bytes Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL and an internal links base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The base URL The PDF document bytes Converts a HTML from a stream to PDF. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The PDF document bytes Converts a HTML from a stream to PDF using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The base URL The PDF document bytes Converts a HTML from a stream to PDF using a base URL and an internal links base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The base URL The internal links base URL The PDF document bytes Converts an URL to PDF and saves the rendered PDF document into a stream. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The URL to convert The output stream Converts a HTML file to PDF and saves the rendered PDF document into a stream. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML file to convert The output stream Converts a HTML string to PDF and saves the rendered PDF document into a stream. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The output stream Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL and saves the rendered PDF document into a stream. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The output stream Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL and an internal links base URL and saves the rendered PDF document into a stream. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The internal links base URL The output stream Converts the HTML string read from a stream to PDF and saves the rendered PDF document into a stream. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The output stream Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL and saves the rendered PDF document into a stream. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The base URL The output stream Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL and an internal links base URL and saves the rendered PDF document into a stream. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The base URL The internal links base URL The output stream Converts an URL to PDF and saves the rendered PDF document into a file. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The URL to convert The output file Converts a HTML file to PDF and saves the rendered PDF document into a file. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML file to convert The output PDF file Converts a HTML string to PDF and saves the rendered PDF document into a file. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The output PDF file Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL and saves the rendered PDF document into a file. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The output PDF file The base URL Converts a HTML string to PDF using a base URL and an internal links base URL and saves the rendered PDF document into a file. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The output PDF file The base URL The internal links base URL Converts the HTML string read from a stream to PDF and saves the rendered PDF document into a stream. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The output PDF file Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL and saves the rendered PDF document into a fil. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The output PDF file The base URL Converts a HTML string read from a stream to PDF using a base URL and an internal links base URL and saves the rendered PDF document into a fil. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML stream The stream text encoding The output PDF file The base URL The internal links base URL Exception thrown by the HTML to PDF converter library Constructor The exception message Constructor The exception message The inner exception that triggered this exception This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document description (author, title, keywords, etc). The class exposes a reference to an object of this type in the property. Gets or sets the name of the author of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Gets or sets the date and time when the PDF document was created by the HTML to PDF converter. Gets or sets the keywords of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Gets or sets the subject of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Gets or sets the title of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document redering process. The HtmlToPdfConverter class define a reference to an object of this type. Adds a PDF document object before the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved. The document to be inserted before conversion result A flag indicating if the header and footer can be applied to the added document when the document was created from an external file or stream. If this parameter is true then the interactive features like links and bookmarks are disabled in the added PDF document A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn in first page of the appended document Adds a PDF document from the given file before the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved The full path of the PDF file to be inserted before conversion result A flag indicating if the header and footer can be applied to the added document. If this parameter is true then the interactive features like links and bookmarks are disabled in the added PDF document A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn in first page of the appended document Adds a PDF document from the given stream before the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved The stream from where to read the PDF document to be inserted before conversion result A flag indicating if the header and footer can be applied to the added document. If this parameter is true then the interactive features like links and bookmarks are disabled in the added PDF document A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn in first page of the appended document Adds a PDF document object after the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved The document to be inserted after conversion result A flag indicating if the header and footer can be applied to the added document when the document was created from an external file or stream. If this parameter is true then the interactive features like links and bookmarks are disabled in the added PDF document A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn in first page of the appended document Adds a PDF document from the given file after the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved The full path of the PDF file to be inserted after conversion result A flag indicating if the header and footer can be applied to the added document. If this parameter is true then the interactive features like links and bookmarks are disabled in the added PDF document A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn in first page of the appended document Adds a PDF document from the given stream after the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved The stream from where to read the PDF document to be inserted after conversion result A flag indicating if the header and footer can be applied to the added document. If this parameter is true then the interactive features like links and bookmarks are disabled in the added PDF document A flag indicating if the header is drawn on first page of the appended document A flag indicating if the footer is drawn in first page of the appended document Adds a PDF document object before the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved. The header and footer are not applied to the PDF documents added by this method. If you want to enable the header and footer in the added PDF document use the The document to be inserted before conversion result Adds a PDF document from the given file before the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved. The header and footer are not applied to the PDF documents added by this method. If you want to enable the header and footer in the added PDF document use the The full path of the PDF file to be inserted before conversion result Adds a PDF document from the given stream before the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved. The header and footer are not applied to the PDF documents added by this method. If you want to enable the header and footer in the added PDF document use the The stream from where to read the PDF document to be inserted before conversion result Adds a PDF document object after the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved. The header and footer are not applied to the PDF documents added by this method. If you want to enable the header and footer in the added PDF document use the The document to be inserted after conversion result Adds a PDF document from the given file after the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved. The header and footer are not applied to the PDF documents added by this method. If you want to enable the header and footer in the added PDF document use the The full path of the PDF file to be inserted after conversion result Adds a PDF document from the given stream after the result of HTML to PDF conversion. If the property is true the added document will be automatically closed when the final document is closed or saved. The header and footer are not applied to the PDF documents added by this method. If you want to enable the header and footer in the added PDF document use the The stream from where to read the PDF document to be inserted after conversion result This flag indicates if the external documents added by the AddStartDocument() and AddEndDocument() are automatically closed after the final document was generated. By default the external documents are closed The rendered PDF document left margin in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the left margin is 0. The rendered PDF document right margin in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the right margin is 0. The rendered PDF document top margin in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the top margin is 0. The rendered PDF document bottom margin in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the left margin is 0. The Y coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page. By default the top location is 0 The X coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page. By default the left location is 0 The width in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered. By default the destination width is the available width in PDF page The height in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered. By default the destination height is automatically calculated to render the whole HTML content A space in points to introduce at the top of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the top spacing is 0. A space in points to introduce at the bottom of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the bottom spacing is 0. The PDF pages background color This property controls the compression level of the PDF document created by the HTML to PDF converter. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the JPEG compression is enabled or not for the images in the PDF document created by the HTML to PDF converter. By default the JPEG compression is enabled to reduce the size of the generated PDF. When the JPEG compression is enabled the quality of the images in the generated PDF is lower than the quality of the original images in the HTML document, function of the parameter. When the is increased, the quality of the images in PDF decreases. Gets or sets the compression level of images in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter as an integer value between 0 and 100. This property has effect only when the is true. When the is 0, the compression rate is the lowest and the quality of the images is the best. When the is 100, the compression rate is the highest and quality of the images in PDF is the worst. The default JPEG compression level is 10, which should offer a good balance between the compression rate and the quality of the images in PDF. Set this property on true to store the cross-reference table and the trailer of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter in compressed cross-reference streams and to reduce the PDF file size. The default value is false This property controls the page size of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default size of the PDF document page is A4 Defines the PDF subset used by the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is Full. This property can be used to instruct the converter to generate PDF/A or PDF/X compliant documents. Gets or sets the color space of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The possible values are RGB, CMYK or Gray Scale. The default color space is RGB. Gets or sets the color profile of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. When this property is true the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. By default this property is true and the content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. When this property is false the HTML content is not resized (is rendered at the real size) and therefore it could be cut off at the right size if the PDF page is not enough wide to display the whole HTML content. In this case the property can be set on true to automatically resize the PDF page width to display the whole content. When this property is true the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available height in PDF page of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. By default this property is false. This property has effect in HTML to PDF converter only when property is true. When is true and this property is true the HTML content will be stretched if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. By default this property is false and the content will not be stretched to fit the available width in PDF page. When this property is true the HTML to PDF converter will generate a single PDF page with a custom size calculated to display the whole HTML content and any specified header and footer. If the property is true the specified PDF page width will be preserved, otherwise the PDF page width is automatically calculated by the converter to display the whole HTML content at real size. When the property property is true the HTML to PDF converter will automatically calculate the PDF page size such that all the HTML content will be visible in the resulted PDF document. This property has effect only when the and properties are false. When the FitWidth property is false (the HTML content is rendered at real size) and the is false the rendered HTML content could be cut off at the right of the generated PDF document if the PDF page is not wide enough to display the whole content. This property is true by default When true this property instructs the HTML to PDF converter to try to avoid cutting off the text between PDF pages. By default this property is true. When true this property instructs the HTML to PDF converter to try to avoid cutting off the images between PDF pages. By default this property is false Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to not be broken between PDF pages if possible Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements before which to force a page break in PDF document Gets or sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements after which to force a page break in PDF document This property controls the page orientation of the pages of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default orientation is . When this property is true the generated PDF will contain selectable text. When this property is false, the converter will embed a snapshot image of the HTML document in PDF. The default value of this property is true. This property controls the whether the header appears or not in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The header properties can be further customized by setting the properties of object exposed by the property of the class. The default value of this property is false. When true this options instructs the HTML to PDF converter to embed all the true type fonts in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default value of this property is true When true this options instructs the HTML to PDF converter to convert the external links from HTML to PDF links in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is true. A flag indicating if the interactive features are enabled for hidden HTML elements. This property is false by default When true this options instructs the HTML to PDF converter to convert the internal HTML links (links with anchors) to internal PDF links in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is true. This property controls the whether the footer appears or not in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The footer properties can be further customized by setting the properties of object exposed by the property of the class. The default value of this property is false. A flag indicating if rendering of HTML document is tiled in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. This property is true by default A flag indicating the PDF graphics are rendered at the best quality in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default property value is true A flag indicating if the converter uses transparency information of the images in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default property value is true A flag indicating if the images scaling is allowed in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default property value is false A flag indicating if the hidden elements are rendered in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. The default property value is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the transparency is enabled in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value is true. This property can be set to false to eliminate the additional flattening time when the document is sent to the printer from Adobe Reader viewer. Get or sets a flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table header in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value is true Get or sets a flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table footer in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value is true A reference to the internal object initialized by converter during conversion The base class for the PDF elements that can be added to header and footer. Render this page element using the specified renderer. The renderer to render this PDF element. A renderer can be a PDF page, a header or a footer. An optional parameter. This class represents a font that can be added to a PDF document and used by the text elements Gets the width of the specified character in points. The character. The character width in points. Get the width in points of the specified string when rendered in PDF using this font. The measured string. The width of the string in points. Gets the size of the specified string in points. The measured string. The size of the string in points. Converts this font to a corresponding system font. A system font corresponding to this font object. Creates a clone of this font in the specified document. The cloned font document. The font object clone. Gets the name of the font family of this PDF font. Gets the height of this PDF font. Gets or sets size in points of this PDF font. Gets the predefined family name of this PDF font. A flag to indicate if the font is underline. A flag to indicate if the font is strikeout. The list of supported fonts for the header and footer None Helvetica HelveticaBold HelveticaOblique HelvetivaBoldOblique Courier CourierBold CourierOblique CourierBoldOblique TimesRoman TimesBold TimesBoldItalic TimesItalic Symbol ZapfDingbats This class encapsulates the options to control the appearance of the footer in the rendered PDF document. The class exposes a a reference to an object of this type in property. If the property of the object exposed exposed by the property is false, the footer options have no efect. Add a PDF element to be rendered in footer by the HTML to PDF converter The PDF element to be rendered in footer The background color of the footer. Gest or sets the height in points of the footer. 1 point is 1/72 inch. Gets or sets the start index for page numbering using the &p; variable in a TextElement object added to the footer. Gets or sets an increment for the total number of pages displayed using &P; variable in a TextElement object added to the footer. This class represents the PDF form of a PDF document Creates a form field style The form field style Creates a check box form field in PDF form of the PDF document The PDF page in which to place the check box control The check box control bounding box The created check box field Creates a list box field in PDF form The PDF page in which to place the list box control The list box control bounding box The list box items The list box items font The created list box field Creates a button in PDF form The PDF page in which to place the button The button control bounding box The button text The button text font The created button field Creates a text box form field in PDF form of the PDF document The PDF page in which to place the text box control The text box control bounding box The text box initial text The text font The created text box field Creates a combo box field in PDF form The PDF page in which to place the combo box control The combo box control bounding box The combo box items The combo box items font The created combo box field Creates a group of radio buttons in PDF form The PDF page in which to place the group of radio buttons The created radio buttons group Flattens the fields in the PDF form The form owner document The form fields Represents a button in a PDF form This class represents a field in the PDF form of a PDF document The action to be performed when the field is activated Gets or sets the PDF form field name Gets or sets the PDF form field value Gets or sets the default value of the field to which the field reverts when a reset form action is executed Gets or sets a flag indicating if the field is read only. The default value of the property is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the field should have a value at the time it is exported by a submit form action. The default value of the property is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the field is exported by a submit form action. The default value of the property is true Gets or sets the PDF form field tooltip Gets or sets the PDF form field style Gets or sets the PDF form field control box in PDF page with the dimensions expressed in points Gets or sets a flag indicating if the form field is flattened. The default value of the property is false The PDF form button text The PDF form button text font Represents a check box in a PDF form The initial status of the PDF form check box control Represents a combo box in a PDF form A flag indicating if the combo box presents a text box above the drop down list. This property is true by default Gets or sets the the combo box items Gets or sets the combo box items font A flag indicating if it is allowed to have multiple selections in combo box list. This property is false by default A flag indicating if the list items are sorted alphabetically. This property is false by default A flag indicating if the spell checking is enabled for the text entered. This property is false by default A flag indicating if a new value selected is committed immediately without waiting to leave the field. This property is false by default This class represents a collection of fields in the PDF form of a PDF document Gets the collection enumerator The collection enumerator Removes a given form field from collection The field to be removed from collection Adds a form field to collection The form field to be added to collection Gets the form field at a given index in collection The form field index in collection The form field at the given index Gets the first form field with the given name from collection The field name The form field with the given name This class represents the style of a PDF form field in a PDF document Gets or sets the form field border style Gets or sets the form field background color Gets or sets the form field fore color Gets or sets the PDF form field border color Represents a list box in a PDF form Gets or sets the items in the list box Gets or sets the font of the items in the list A flag indicating if it is allowed to have multiple selections in list box. This property is false by default A flag indicating if the list items are sorted alphabetically. This property is false by default A flag indicating if the spell checking is enabled. This property is false by default A flag indicating if a new value selected is committed immediately without waiting to leave the field. This property is false by default Represents a radio button in a radio buttons group The radio button field name A flag indicating if the radio button is checked Gest or sets the bounding box in PDF page of the radio button control. The box dimensions are expressed in points Represents a group of radio buttons in a PDF form Creates a radio button with the given box and the given name in the radio button group The radio button bounding box The radio button name The created radio button Creates a radio button with given box and the given name in the given PDF page The radio button bounding box The radio button name The PDF page where to add this radio button The created radio button Call this method to check on the radio button at the given index The radio button index Call this method to check on the radio button with the given name The radio button name Call this method to check on the given radio button The radio button to check on Gets the number of radio buttons in group Gets the radio button at the given index in the radio buttons group The radio button index The the radio button at the given index in the radio buttons group Gets the radio button with the given name from the radio buttons group The radio button name The radio button with the given name from the radio buttons group The submit form action flags to be combined to express various characteristics of the action The default value of the flags If clear, the Fields array specifies which fields to include in the submission. If set, the Fields array tells which fields to exclude If set, all fields designated by the Fields array and the Include/Exclude flag shall be submitted, regardless of whether they have a value. For fields without a value, only the field name shall betransmitted. If clear, fields without a value shall not be submitted Meaningful only if the SubmitPDF and XFDF flags are clear. If set, field names and values shall be submitted in HTML Form format. If clear, they shall be submitted in Forms Data Format If set, field names and values shall be submitted using an HTTP GET request. If clear, they shall be submitted using a POST request. This flag is meaningful only when the ExportFormat flag is set; if ExportFormat is clear, this flag shall also be clear If set, the coordinates of the mouse click that caused the submit-form action shall be transmitted as part of the form data. The coordinate values are relative to the upper-left corner of the field’s widget annotation rectangle. This flag shall be used only when the ExportFormat flag is set. If ExportFormat is clear, this flag shall also be clear Shall be used only if the SubmitPDF flags are clear. If set, field names and values shall be submitted as XFDF Shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF file shall include the contents of all incremental updates to the underlying PDF document, as contained in the Differences entry in the FDF dictionary. If clear, the incremental updates shall not be included Shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF file shall include includes all markup annotations in the underlying PDF document. If clear, markup annotations shall not be included If set, the document shall be submitted as PDF, using the MIME content type application/pdf. If set, all other flags shall be ignored except GetMethod If set, any submitted field values representing dates shall be converted to the standard format Shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear) and the IncludeAnnotations flag is set. If set, it shall include only those markup annotations whose T entry matches the name of the current user, as determined by the remote server to which the form is being submitted. Shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF shall exclude the F entry. Shall be used only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFormat flags are clear). If set, the F entry of the submitted FDF shall be a file specification containing an embedded file stream representing the PDF file from which the FDF is being submitted Represents a text box in a PDF form Gets or sets the text box initial text Gets or sets the PDF form text box font A flag indicating if the text box is multiline. This property is false by default A flag indicating if this text box is used to enter a password. This property is false by default Gets or sets the maximum length of the field text in characters This class encapsulates the options to control the appearance of the header in the rendered PDF document. The class exposes a a reference to an object of this type in property. If the property of the object exposed exposed by the property is false, the header options have no efect. Add a PDF element to be rendered in header by the HTML to PDF converter The PDF element to be rendered in header The background color of the header. Gets or sets the height in points of PDF header. 1 point is 1/72 inch. Gets or sets the start index for page numbering using the &p; variable in a TextArea element added to the header. Gets or sets an increment for the total number of pages displayed using &P; variable in a TextArea element added to the header. Represents a PDF document page Creates a template with the specified height and automatically set the property of this page with the created template. The page header height The page header Creates a template with the specified height and automatically set the property of this page with the created template. The footer height The page footer Add the given PDF element to this PDF page The element to be added to this page The result of adding the element to this page The parent PDF document of this page A flag indicating if this page was loaded from another PDF document The index of this page in the parent PDF document Gets the size in points of this PDF page. The PDF page orientation Gets or sets the PDF page rotation angle Represents the custom header template for the page. It will replace the document header template on this page. Represents the custom footer template for the page. It will replace the document footer template on this page. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the header is displayed on this PDF page Gets or sets a flag indicating if the footer is displayed on this PDF page Gets the page margins This enumeration represents the possible orientations of the PDF pages of a PDF document Portrait Landscape This class represents a PDF page size. Default contructor constructs a A4 page size Constructs a custom page size The page width in points The page height in points Represents the Letter size of a PDF page Represents the Note size of a PDF page Represents the Legal size of a PDF page Represents the A0 size of a PDF page Represents the A1 size of a PDF page Represents the A2 size of a PDF page Represents the A3 size of a PDF page Represents the A4 size of a PDF page Represents the A5 size of a PDF page Represents the A6 size of a PDF page Represents the A7 size of a PDF page Represents the A8 size of a PDF page Represents the A9 size of a PDF page Represents the A10 size of a PDF page Represents the B0 size of a PDF page Represents the B1 size of a PDF page Represents the B2 size of a PDF page Represents the B3 size of a PDF page Represents the B4 size of a PDF page Represents the B5 size of a PDF page Represents the ArchE size of a PDF page Represents the ArchD size of a PDF page Represents the ArchC size of a PDF page Represents the ArchB size of a PDF page Represents the ArchA size of a PDF page Represents the Flsa size of a PDF page Represents the HalfLetter size of a PDF page Represents the 11x17 size of a PDF page Represents the Ledger size of a PDF page Gets or sets the page width Gets or sets the page height Represents a Reset action in a PDF form Creates a PDF form reset action A flag indicating if the P property defines the fields to be included or the fields to be excluded from reset. By default this property is true and the property defines the list of fields to to be included in reset Gets or sets the list of fields to be included or excluded from reset based on property value. If no fields are added to this array and property is true then all the fields are reset This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document security options. The class define a reference to an object of this type in property. Can assemble the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter (create bookmarks, thumbnail images or insert, rotate, delete pages). This property has effect when a 128 bit key is used. Can copy the content of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Can edit the annotations of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Can edit the content of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Can fill the form fields in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. This property has effect when a 128 bit key is used. To disable form filling the and must be set on false. Can print the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. When this property is set to false the printing of the PDF document is disabled in a PDF viewer. The dimension of the encryption key in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. By default a 128 bit key is used. The password required to change permissions of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter, like printing or editing. If the property is an empty string and the is not empty, the will be automatically assigned with the value from and when the PDF document is opened in the viewer using the user password (which is also the owner password) all the operations like printing, copying, etc will be allowed. The password required to open the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. If the property is an empty string and the is not empty, the will be automatically assigned with the value from and when the PDF document is opened in the viewer using the user password (which is also the owner password) all the operations like printing, copying, etc will be allowed. This enumeration represents the possible standards used by a PDF document The full PDF features can be used in the generated PDF document. The generated PDF is in conformance with PDF/A 1b standard which makes the document suitable for long term archiving. All the true type fonts are embedded in the PDF document, external HTTP links are disabled, transparencies are disabled, and some special metadata to identify the document as PDF/A compliant is inserted in the generated document. The generated PDF is in conformance with PDF/X 1a standard which makes the document suitable for graphics exchange. Represents a Submit action in a PDF form Creates a PDF form submit action The URL of the script at the Web server that will process the submission Gets o setd the URL of the script at the Web server that will process the submission A biwise OR of flags specifying various characteristics of the action A flag indicating if the Fields property defines the fields to be included or the fields to be excluded from submit. By default this property is true and the Fields property defines the list of fields to to be included in submit Gets or sets a list of fields to be included or excluded from submit based on property value. If no fields are added to this array and property is true then all the fields are submitted Represents a polygon in a PDF document Constructs a polygon element The points to be connected This class represents the various proxy settings that can be used to resolve the requests Gets or sets the proxy type Gets or sets the host name of the proxy host Gets or sets the port number of the proxy host to be used when accessing a HTML document Gets or sets the user name used for authentication Gets or sets the password used for authentication This class represents a rectangle Constructs a rectangle element based on the rectangle top left corner coordinates, width and height The X coordinate The Y coordinate The rectangle width The rectangle height Constructs a rectangle element based on a bounding rectangle The bounding rectangle The supporter image formats Png Bmp Gif Jpeg Tiff Represents the delegate for the event Event parameters Represents the parameters of the event The PDF page where the template is rendered The number in PDF document of the PDF page where the template is rendered A flag you can set to indicate if the rendering of the template in PDF page should be canceled Standard rotation angles for PDF pages. 0 degrees rotation 90 degrees rotation 180 degrees rotation 270 degrees rotation This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document security options. The class defines a reference to an object of this type in property. Can assemble the PDF document (create bookmarks, thumbnail images or insert, rotate, delete pages). This property has effect when a 128 bit key is used. Can copy the PDF document content. Can edit PDF document annotations. When this property is set to false the annotations cannot be changed in a PDF editor Can edit PDF document content. When this property is set false the PDF document content cannot be changed in a PDF editor Can fill the PDF form fields. This property has effect when a 128 bit key is used. To disable form filling the and must be set on false. Can print the PDF document. When this property is set to false the printing of the PDF document is disabled in a PDF viewer. The dimension of the PDF doucument encryption key. The default the key size is 128 bits for a newly created PDF document. The password required to change permissions of the PDF document like printing or editing. If the property is an empty string and the is not empty, the will be automatically assigned with the value from and when the PDF document is opened in the viewer using the user password (which is also the owner password all the operations like printing, copying, etc will be allowed. The password required to open the PDF document. If the property is an empty string and the is not empty, the will be automatically assigned with the value from and when the PDF document is opened in the viewer using the user password (which is also the owner password) all the operations like printing, copying, etc will be allowed. Represents a link to a sound file in PDF Constructs a sound link element at the given location in PDF page and using the given sound file The link rectangle in page The sound file Gets or sets the sound file link rectangle in PDF page Gets or sets the external file path The Korean-Japanesse-Chinese (CJK) predefined fonts. Heisei Kaku Gothic W5 Japanese font. Heisei Mincho W3 Japanese font. Hanyang Systems Gothic Medium Korean font. Hanyang Systems Shin MyeongJo Medium Korean font. Monotype Hei Medium Chinese traditional font. Monotype Sung Light Chinese traditional font. SinoType Song Light Chinese simplified font. This enumeration contains the possible standard font families in a PDF document. Custom font. Helvetica Helvetica Bold Helvetica Oblique Helvetica Bold Oblique Courier Courier Bold Courier Oblique Courier Bold Oblique Times Roman Times Bold Times Bold Italic Times Italic Symbol ZapfDingbats This class offers the necessary methods to create a SVG document from a web page at given URL or from a HTML string. The generated SVG document can be saved into a memory buffer or into a file Creates a HTML to SVG converter using the default width and height for the HTML viewer Converts an URL to a SVG document and returns the rendered SVG document into a memory buffer The URL of the web page to be converted to PDF. The URL can be also the full path of a HTML file from the local file system. A memory buffer containing the SVG document Converts a HTML string into a SVG document using a base URL to resolve the external resources and returns the rendered SVG document into a memory buffer The HTML string to convert to SVG This parameter allows the converter to determine the full URLs from relative URLs for images and CSS files appearing in the HTML string. If there are not relative URLs in the HTML code this parameter can be empty or null A memory buffer containing the SVG document Converts the specified URL into a SVG document and saves the rendered SVG document to the specified stream The URL of the web page to be converted to PDF. The URL can be also the full path of a HTML file from the local file system The output stream where to save the generated SVG document Converts the specified HTML string into a SVG document using a base URL to resolve the external resources and saves the rendered SVG document to the specified stream The HTML string to convert This parameter allows the converter to determine the full URLs from relative URLs for images and CSS files appearing in the HTML string. If there are not relative URLs in the HTML code this parameter can be empty or null. The output stream where to save the generated SVG document Converts the specified URL into a SVG document and saves the rendered SVG document to the specified file. The URL of the web page to be converted to PDF. The URL can be also the full path of a HTML file from the local file system The output file where to save the generated SVG document Converts the specified HTML string into a SVG document using a base URL to resolve the external resources and saves the rendered SVG document to the specified file The HTML string to convert This parameter allows the converter to determine the full URLs from relative URLs for images and CSS files appearing in the HTML string. If there are not relative URLs in the HTML code this parameter can be empty or null The output file where to save the generated SVG document The resolution of the SVG document A flag indicating if the calculated size of the SVG document should be set in the generated document Gets or sets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels of the HTML to SVG converter. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width can also be specified in the class constructor. The default value is 1024 pixels. Gets or sets the HTML viewer height in pixels in HTML to SVG converter. If the specified HTML viewer height is 0 the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the property. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer height can also be specified in the class contructor. The default value is 0 to automatically determine the HTML viewer height based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer of the HTML to SVG converter at the specified width, the property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the property. The default value of this property is false. Gets or sets the license key string received from the vendor when converting HTML to SVG. If this property is null the converter will automatically enter in evaluation mode and a demo watermark will be displayed on the generated image. A flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to SVG converter during the HTML to SVG conversion. The default is true. This property can be set with an username and a password in order to authenticate to the web server before accessing the URL to be converted in HTML to SVG converter. They can be used for example to resolve the IIS Integrated Windows Authentication or other types of IIS authentication. The impersonation options applied during navigation in the HTML to SVG converter. Gets a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used by HTML to SVG converter to access the HTML document to convert. Returns the collection of HTTP POST fields to be used when accessing a web page in HTML to SVG converter. If there are elements in collection then the converter will make a POST request to the web page URL with the fields from this collection, otherwise it will make a GET request Gets or sets the media type of the HTML document used by HTML to SVG converter. The default media type is 'screen'. If you set this property with 'print' then the CSS properties defined in '@media print' rule will be used to render the document Gets or sets a flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to SVG conversion. The default value is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to SVG conversion. The default value is false Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed in HTML to SVG converter. The default value is false and no extension is executed. The Flash player for Google Chrome must be installed in order to execute the flash content from HTML Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to SVG converter should try to download all the resources even if this could cause a slower conversion. The default value is false. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML to SVG converter should perform a pre-rendering. The default value is true Gets or sets a flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in the HTML to SVG converter. The default value is false and the scripts are not interrupted Get or set the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered by the HTML to SVG converter. If the selector selects multiple HTML elements, only the the first one will be converted. The CSS selector is case sensitive. If this property is not set then the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by HTML to SVG converter. The default value is 0 and the entire HTML document is rendered Gets or sets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from HTML document by the HTML to SVG converter. This value of this property is ignored if the property is set Gets or sets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to SVG converter. This value of this property is ignored if the property is set The default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document. By default this property is not set and an auto determined text encoding will be used by converter The conversion triggering mode used by HTML to SVG converter An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering of the document to SVG. The HTML to SVG converter navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60. Gets a collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the HTML to SVG converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. The property can be set on true to instruct the converter to send the custom headers each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. By default the property is false and the custom headers are not automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. The custom HTTP headers can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. The preferred method to send cookies is to use the property. This property can be set on true to instruct the HTML to SVG converter to send the custom headers defined by the HttpRequestHeaders property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. The default value of this property is true and the custom headers are automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. Gets a collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the HTML to SVG converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested. A cookie is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. Sets the full path of evointernal.dat helper file of the HTML to SVG converter. By default this file is expected to be found in the same folder with evohtmltopdf.dll assembly. This class represents the HTML to SVG converter and offers the necessary properties and methods to convert HTML documents to SVG documents. This class is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by class in the future versions This constructor creates a HTML to SVG converter with default settings Converts an URL to a SVG document. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The URL to convert The created SVG document bytes Converts a HTML string into a SVG document using a base URL. This method is still present in the API to maintain the backward compatibility and it will be replaced by method in the future versions The HTML string to convert The base URL The created SVG document bytes This class contains the necessary properties to control the automatic creation of a table of contents in a PDF document Sets the style of a table of contents item on a given level. The item level is a number from 1 to 6 The item level in the table of contents The item CSS style Sets the style of the page page numbers on a given level in the table of contents. The page number level is a number from 1 to 6 The page number level in the table of contents The page number CSS style A flag indicating if the automatic creation of a table of contents items for the H1 to H6 HTML elements is enabled or not. By default this property is false Gets or sets the maximum accepted length of the table of contents item title. If a positive value is set for this property the table of contents item title will be truncated if necessary. By default the table of contents item title will not be truncated A flag indicating if the table of contents items will have page numbers besides the title. By default this property is true Gets or sets the table of contents title Gets or sets the global CSS style of the table of contents title. When this property is set with a value, the default style of the title is replaced with the style given by this property. For example, setting a "font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size:30px; font-weight:bold; color:red" style will make the converter to use the 'Times New Roman' bold font of 30 pixels and the blue color to write the table of contents title Gets or sets the global CSS style of the table of contents. For example, setting a "body{background-color:blue}" will set a blue color for the table of contents background Gets or sets the table of contents width in pixels. The table can be resized if necessary to fit the PDF page width. If the property is 0 then the converter will automatically set the width of the table of contents A flag indicating if the document header is displayed on the table of content pages or not A flag indicating if the document footer is displayed on the table of content pages or not A flag indicating if the page numbers start after the table of contents. This property also changes the page numbering both in document header and footer and in the table of contents Gets or sets the start index for page numbering in the table of contents. This property can be correlated with the property of header and footer Returns the index in PDF document of the page where the table of contents starts. This property is set by converter after the document with table of contents was generated Returns the number of pages on which the table of contents is created and together with the helps to localize the position of the table of contents inside the generated PDF document. This property is set by converter after the document with table of contents was generated The background color of the PDF pages on which the table of contents is created Represents a template element which can be repeated in all PDF document pages. You can use variables like current PDF page number and the total number of PDF pages in a template. Add a PDF page element to this template repeated in each PDF page The page element to be added The result of element rendering The event is raised right before the template is rendered in a PDF page. The template rendering in PDF page can be canceled by setting the property on false Gets or sets template width for a custom template. Setting this property for a default document template has no effect. Gets or sets template height for a custom template. Setting this property for a default document template has no effect. Gets or sets the template bounds rectangle. Setting this property for a default template has no effect. Gets or sets the template docking inside the PDF page Gets or sets the template anchoring inside the PDF page Set this property to indicate whether the template is drawn or not on the odd pages. By default this property is true. Set this property to indicate whether the template is drawn or not on the even pages. By default this property is true. Set this property to indicate whether the template is drawn or not on the first page. By default this property is true. Gets or sets the start index for page numbering using the &p; variable in a TextElement added to the template. Gets or sets an increment for the total number of pages displayed using &P; variable in a TextElement added to the template. When true, this property makes the template to be rendered in front of the page main content. By default this property is true. When true, this property makes the template to be rendered in the back of the page main content. By default this property is false. This enumeration represents the possible anchoring positions of the PDF template in a PDF page The template is not anchored. The template will be anchored in the center of the PDF page. The center of the template rectangle will be same with the center of the page. The template will be anchored in the top left corner of the page. The template location will be the top left corner of the page. The template will be anchored in the top right corner of the page. The right side of the template will be aligned with the right side of the page, and the top side of the template will be aligned with the top side of the page The template will be anchored in the bottom left corner of the page. The left side of the template will be aligned with the left side of the page and the bottom side of the document will be aligned with the bottom side of the page. The template will be anchored in the bottom left corner of the page. The right side of the document will be aligned with the right side of the PDF page and the bottom side of the document will be aligned with the bottom side of the PDF page This class represents the collection of templates in PDF document. A template element can be repeated in all PDF document pages. of the document. Gets the collection enumerator. The collection enumerator. Add a new template with the specified width and height to the document templates collection. The template location is top left corner of the page. The width in points of the template. The height in points of the template. The newly added template. Add a new template with the specified bounds to the document templates collection. The template element bounds in points. The newly added template. Gets the template at the specified index zero base index. The template at the specified zero based index. The number of templates in collection. Represents the default PDF document header template. This header is automatically considered when calculating the available space for drawing in a PDF page. This template is automatically docked to the top of the PDF page. Represents the default PDF document footer template. This footer is automatically considered when calculating the available space for rendering in a PDF page. This template is automatically docked to the bottom of the PDF page. The docking style of a PDF template in PDF page. The template is not docked in PDF page. The template is docked to the the top of the PDF page. The template width and location will be adjusted for docking. The template is docked to the bottom of the PDF page. The template width and location will be adjusted for docking. The template is docked to the left of the PDF page. The template location and height will be adjusted for docking. The template is docked to the right of the PDF page. The template location and height will be adjusted for docking. The template fills the PDF page. The template location will be the top left corner and the size will be the size of the PDF page. The docking will take into account the existing document Header, Footer, Left and Right templates. Represents a text element to be added to a PDF page or template. Contructs a paginable text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position using the specified font. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The width is the available width in page. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being limited by the available height on page. The remaining text and the text bounds inside the current page are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed ( property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the auto-determined text height is bigger than the available space on page), all the text will be rendered using the necessary height. The text bounds inside the last page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. The start x coordinate where the text will be rendered The start y coordinate where the text The text to be rendered The text font. The true type fonts must be embedded in PDF when it is added to the document in order to support Unicode texts. Contructs a paginable text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position using the specified system font. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The width is the available width in page. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being limited by the available height on page. The remaining text and the text bounds inside the current page are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed ( property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the auto-determined text height is bigger than the available space on page), all the text will be rendered using the necessary height. The text bounds inside the last page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. The start x coordinate where the text will be rendered The start y coordinate where the text The text to be rendered The text font as a System.Drawing.Font object. Contructs a paginable text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position using the specified font and color. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The width is the available width in page. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being limited by the available height on page. The remaining text and the text bounds inside the current page are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed ( property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the auto-determined text height is bigger than the available space on page), all the text will be rendered using the necessary height. The text bounds inside the last page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. The start x coordinate where the text will be rendered The start y coordinate where the text The text to be rendered The text font. The true type fonts must be embedded in PDF when it is added to the document in order to support Unicode texts. The text color Contructs a paginable text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position using the specified width and font. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being limited by the available height on page. The remaining text and the text bounds inside the current page are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed ( property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the auto-determined text height is bigger than the available space on page), all the text will be rendered using the necessary height. The text bounds inside the last page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. The start x coordinate where the text will be rendered The start y coordinate where the text The width of the destination rectangle The text to be rendered The text font. The true type fonts must be embedded in PDF when it is added to the document in order to support Unicode texts. Contructs a paginable text element that will be rendered in the specified rectangle using the specified width, height and font. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being given by the minimum between the specified height and the available height on page. The remaining text and the text bounds inside the current page are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed ( property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the specified height is bigger than the available space on page), the height parameter will be ignored and the text will be rendered to the end using the necessary height. The text bounds inside the last page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed but the text does not need pagination (the specified height is less than the available space on page), the rendered text will be truncated to fit the specified height. The text bounds inside the current page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. The start x coordinate where the text will be rendered The start y coordinate where the text The width of the destination rectangle The height of the destination rectangle The text to be rendered The text font. The true type fonts must be embedded in PDF when it is added to the document in order to support Unicode texts. Contructs a paginable text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position using the specified width, font and color. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being limited by the available height on page. The remaining text and the text bounds inside the current page are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed ( property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the auto-determined text height is bigger than the available space on page), all the text will be rendered using the necessary height. The text bounds inside the last page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. The start x coordinate where the text will be rendered The start y coordinate where the text The width of the destination rectangle The text to be rendered The text font. The true type fonts must be embedded in PDF when it is added to the document in order to support Unicode texts. The text color Contructs a paginable text element that will be rendered in the specified rectangle using the specified width, height, font and color. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A flag indicating if the font is embedded or not in PDF can be specified when the font is added to PDF document. If the text pagination is not allowed ( property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being given by the minimum between the specified height and the available height on page. The remaining text and the text bounds inside the current page are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed ( property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the specified height is bigger than the available space on page), the height parameter will be ignored and the text will be rendered to the end using the necessary height. The text bounds inside the last page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed but the text does not need pagination (the specified height is less than the available space on page), the rendered text will be truncated to fit the specified height. The text bounds inside the current page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. The start x coordinate where the text will be rendered The start y coordinate where the text The width of the destination rectangle The height of the destination rectangle The text to be rendered The text font. The true type fonts must be embedded in PDF when it is added to the document in order to support Unicode texts. The text color Contructs a paginable text element that will be rendered in the specified rectangle using the specified width, height, system font and color. The Unicode text is supported only for embedded true type fonts. A font can be embedded in the generated PDF document if the EmbedSysFont property was set on true. If the text pagination is not allowed ( property is false ), the text will be written on current page, the rendered text height being given by the minimum between the specified height and the available height on page. The remaining text and the text bounds inside the current page are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed ( property is true ) and the text needs pagination (the specified height is bigger than the available space on page), the height parameter will be ignored and the text will be rendered to the end using the necessary height. The text bounds inside the last page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. If the text pagination is allowed but the text does not need pagination (the specified height is less than the available space on page), the rendered text will be truncated to fit the specified height. The text bounds inside the current page and the last page index are returned in the object when the element is added to a renderer. The start x coordinate where the text will be rendered The start y coordinate where the text The width of the destination rectangle The height of the destination rectangle The text to be rendered The text font as a System.Drawing.Font object. The text color Renders the text using the specified renderer. The renderer can be a page or a template. The renderer to render this text element The Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the text rendered by this element in PDF Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the text rendered by this element in PDF Set this property true if the text is in a RTL language. Gets or sets an additional spacing between characters. Gets or sets an aditional spacing between words. The words separator is consider the space character with code 32 Gets or sets value that indicates the vertical distance between the baselines of adjacent lines of text. Gets or sets an angle to control text counter-clockwise direction. The default value is 0. Gets or sets the distance to move the text baseline up or down from its default location. Adjustments to the baseline are useful for drawing superscripts or subscripts. Positive values of text rise move the baseline up and creates a superscript text. Negative values of text rise move the baseline down and creates a subscript text. The string to be written The start X position of this element relative to the PDF elements container The start Y position of this element relative to the PDF elements container The width of destination rectangle in PDF where this text element will be rendered The height of destination rectangle in PDF where this text element will be rendered Gets or sets the font of the text rendered by this element in PDF Gets or sets the text font as a System.Drawing.Font object A flag indicating if the System.Drawing.Font object associated with this text element should be embedded in the generated PDF document When true the text can be paginated Represents a text annotation in the PDF page. Constructs a text note element The link rectangle in page The text annontation Gets or sets the text note element rectangle in PDF page Gets or sets the annotation text Gets or sets default annotation status. Default value is false and the annotation is closed Gets or sets text note icon in PDF document. Defines set of text annotation types. Note. Comment. Help. Insert. Key. NewParagraph. Paragraph. This enumeration represents the possible modes to trigger the conversion of a HTML document The conversion is starts automatically after the page was loaded in converter. This is the default option The converter will delay the conversion after the page was loaded in converter with the amount of time given by the ConversionDelay property of the HtmlToPdfConverter or HtmlToImageConverter classes The conversion will be triggered manually by a call from JavaScript to evoPdfConverter.startConversion() method available in a HTML document loaded in converter Converts between various graphic units (pixels, points, etc). Converts from points to pixels. The result of this method takes into account the current screen resolution. The value in points to convert. The value in pixels. Converts from pixels to points. The result of this method takes into account the current screen resolution. The value in pixels to convert. The value in points. This class represents a link to an URL in a PDF document. Constructs a URL link element The link rectangle in page The link destination URL Gets or sets the URL link element rectangle in PDF page Gets or sets the link destination URL This enumeration contains the possible values of the vertical alignment of the text in PDF documents. Top aligned. Center aligned. Bottom alligned. Used in to specify how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible. Document outline visible. Thumbnail images visible. Optional content group panel visible. A name object specifying the page layout to be used when the document is opened. Display one page at a time. Display the pages in one column. Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the left. Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the right. A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened. Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible. Document outline (bookmarks) visible. Thumbnail images visible. Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible. Optional content group panel visible. Document attachments visible. Represents the viewer preferences of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter A flag specifying whether to hide the viewer application’s tool bars when the document is active when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether to hide the viewer application’s menu bar when the document is active when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether to hide user interface elements in the document’s window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document’s contents displayed when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether to resize the document’s window to fit the size of the first displayed page when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether to position the document’s window in the center of the screen when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value: False. A flag specifying whether the window’s title bar should display the document title taken from the title entry of the document information dictionary when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value: False. The document’s page mode, specifying how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. This entry is meaningful only if the value of the PageMode entry in the catalog dictionary is FullScreen; it is ignored otherwise. Default value: UseNone. The predominant reading order for text when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. Default value: L2R. Specifies how the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter should be displayed when opened. Default value: UseNone. The page layout to be used when the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter is opened. Default value: OneColumn. Used in to specify the predominant reading order for text. Left to right. Right to left ( including vertical writing systems such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean ). Package the command for transmission to unmanaged code Receives the native pack size The native pack address in unmanaged memory